Badly directed.

Now i saw it first time and because of this i am gonna criticise it without nostalghia.That means i am not giving extra credit for film's mistakes.

The score is totally mistake for this film this is a revenge film but score is from 80's cheesey dramas.And score is too loud, some of the scenes i couldnt heard the dialouges.

Actions scenes are not good enough.Most of them cut when the event happens.For example when somebody is goona die or crush the car it cuts and we see a huge eyeballs every single time.Stunt also terrible.

Script could have been improved.Max's revenge was totaly rushed and give nothing.It was like a trailer.

Acting medicore.

I know ıt's filmed in 1979 but thats not an excuse for all of this, there are some pretty good action movies still holding up today.

People say second one is best, i am gonna see that but this one couldn't created a extitement to that.

After watching the all films including the new one, i must say that i respect George Miller because Road Warrior and Fury Road are superb action films. I hope he continues to direct the franchise.


That is what you get when you have a low budget to work with. And I think they did the best they could with it. Much better than the action movies we get today. *cough*transformers*cough*


What an abrupt and sudden end of the movie. I thought we would see every gang member getting eliminated and the leader Toe Cutter get whacked at the end in a usual fist fight to the death. But an indication of a low movie budget is a feeling of the director cutting the movie 15 minutes short.


After 35 years this movie has been made, (the year I ve borned) I listened my friends and comments about it, and started to watch it. It never attracted me to watch it till this day, even I was a fan of cheesy 80s movies.. (I was expecting something cool and heavy with some depth instead of cheesy btw cause it was a "cult" movie)

Sad thing is, after watched first 50 mins, I could not take it anymore. This is not post apocalyptic, cult, or anything. This is a stupid, badly exetuted ordinary movie. I may understand the fans, who watched it when they were 10-14 yo, and got a little nostalgic crush for it. I found this title while checking out for more information to calm down my reaction for it. Sorry but thanks to Onur, he has summed it up pretty well for me.

This was really one of the worst movies I've ever watched. Many people defended the flaws of the movie, because of the time it has been done. Sorry but Aliens, Star Wars, Shining, taxy driver, deer hunter etc has been made at that era..

Oh if you say that their budget was much better, than what about Easy Rider which has been made 10 years before, or Scorsese's Mean Streets? made at 1973?? And let's not forget about Rocky.. which has been made with a bit better budget.

Budget also is not an excuse for irritating acting performance. This *beep* looks like a 3rd grade film school student work.

And for the guy who told something about the movie like "Poetic"
Really? if there is 1 thing poetic at mad max 1st movie, males the world population ..... me than.

Don't know anything about the 2nd movie, gonna watch it. Hope it is better.


You are a wanker.


thanks dear, I am indeed.
but at least I my make my point and explain myself.

You should jerk more, if it will help. :D


The 2 people who don't like this film both have Turkish names, hmmm.

Either way, I'll give you $350,000 (1979 money) and let's see how well you can do?

Sure, some films have been made for less, but not action films with so many car wrecks, not in 1979.

The bikers in the film were an actual bike gang (The Vigilantes) who got paid with beer and got to keep the motorbikes (donated free by Kawasaki) at the end of the film. Well, they weren't really allowed to keep 'em, but they did (who's gonna ask for them back?).

The only cops in this film wearing actual leather was Max (Mel Gibson), the rest are wearing cheaper vinyl.

The road scenes were filmed on public roads without permission by simply going to remote areas and blocking sections of road off and hoping the cops didn't show up.

Most of the extras weren't paid (film students doing it for experience), the owner of truck at the end was paid $50 for the use of his truck, he didn't want his truck damaged so he insisted they use a painted wooden board on the front.
But this is the thing, you only know about that because you read it on the trivia page of this film, as I did. There's no way you or anybody else could see or notice that board in any way at normal speed, especially somebody who has not seen this film more than once. Just proves you're trolling.

I could go on and on, but why bother, the detractors are already convinced of their ignorance.
Sure, it's not the best film ever made, nobody ever said it was, but it sure is interesting and entertaining. If you don't like it, don't watch it, nobody is forcing you to watch it, just stick to Transformers and Batman or whatever it is that entertains you.


No one said that, movie is bad or worst movie ever. What we were defending was, movie should not be categorized as cult, classic, poetic or post apocalyptic etc. etc.

Let's say that this is just a point of view, and I am the ignorant one, who does not understand *beep* Ok. well taken.

what bothers me more is, it has been told at a few times, that I was turkish etc. and that kind of racist approach. Yes I am turkish, so what? I never had an extra pride for my born country, and it would not be different if I was from US, italy, morocco or spain.. who cares?

Now I regret about even for this answer, cause it feels like I am debating with adolescent teens around here, which is worse.

whatever, I really don't give a *beep* about it anymore.


I don't think you know what a director does.


Hey dummy, stick to watching Bay's Transformers and Snyder's Man of Steel, those crappy films are more your taste.

Leave real poetic cinema to the rest of us.


This film was made for next to nothing, it is amazing how good this film is made and directed, i suggest you pull you head in and wake up.

Also if you are going to talk utter rubbish about a great film and pick on things that are so stupid then people can do the same with your grammar and spelling.

Both are as worthless as each other.


Totally agree.

Don't be a hater, dear.


Now i saw it first time

You fail to provide any evidence that it is badly directed. But then, everyone in this thread is being stupid. That said, I only gave it 6 stars, because it's a pretty average film that was fairly entertaining. But it's certainly not great, nor a classic.

WORDS MEAN THINGS! Also, before you come to bitch about a plot hole, rewatch the show/movie.



"Hey Turkey!"


Everyone's got an opinion but this movie is a classic and doesn't need your approval


OP- YOU CANT EVEN SPELL,and a opinion is like an ass*le everyone has one .
your opinion dose not matter based on that single aspect of grammar , if you cared about your opinion being valid , you would learn how to spell people would take you more serious.


Yes, it's a classic.

It's a classic because it delivered us a great, identifiable action hero in Mel G. It delivered us an iconic vehicle in the form of the Ford Falcon. It delivered a stylishly memorable revenge scenario in the form of JtB cuffed to the car. It also delivered a few memorable characters and a pair of (for the time) great chase sequences.

However, given the budget and the experience of the cast and crew, there are a few amateurish edges to it. Yes, there are flaws in the film's pacing that could be attributed to the director.

While it's not badly directed, it is far from a technical tour de force. It just so happens that it's strengths totally overshadow it's weaknesses.

Just my opinion, keyboard Rambos.
