so painful

Jesus effing christ. I'm watching this for the first time and I know what's going to happen--namely that Max's family's going to get murdered--so I've been waiting for it, hoping that it's quick...I've only got 20 mn left on this movie and they're still alive, though being chased and running. It's so painful, I can't think of another movie that dares drag it on that long. Now I'm sad.


Honestly, that was one of the two biggest things that greatly irritated me about the film. The setting is so ambiguous that you really cannot call it "post-apocalyptic", and there is no real resolution, it just mentions that his wife is in bad condition, shows a few minutes of revenge, then just cut off. It is not until "The Road Warrior" (which I very much DID enjoy), that there is any explanation of the setting and what happened.
"Aw Crap!" - Hellboy


The setting is so ambiguous that you really cannot call it "post-apocalyptic"

ah, because it's NOT. the opening scene just says 'a few years from now'. there's nothing about an apocalypse (war, plague, zombies, alien invasion). The idea is it's our world, just things are running downhill. there's still police, courts and trains running.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


The setting is so ambiguous that you really cannot call it "post-apocalyptic"

The thing about the Mad Max franchise is that it was made popular in most of the world by the second movie, as the first one had only a limited release outside Australia. Thus most people assume the entire series takes place in a post-nuclear apocalypse world.
The first movie takes place in "a few years from now"; the bombs haven't fallen yet but society is breaking down due to an unspecified energy crisis similar to the 1973 oil crisis. It's stated in either the second or the third movie that the bombs dropped sometime between the first and the second movie.


The movie hurt you? BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Did it hurt your butt? 

Yes, your pain makes me laugh and laugh and laugh LMFAO AHAHAHAHAHA 


I agree with the op. just watched this for the first time. one word, boring.
How it's got a 7 on here in beyond me :S


It's how movies were made back then. From the 40s up until the early 80s, the buildup was incredibly slow and boring compared to modern standards. But I'd have to point out that Mad Max is pretty fast compared to older movies. Try watching classic movies like Citizen Kane, Lawrence of Arabia or The Ten Commandments to see what I'm talking about. They're not bad movies, they're just boringly slow.


I watched it for the first time a day or two ago and I thought it was so dumb that they didn't even make clear if the woman or baby died! How stupid to just show her in the hospital and never say a word about her again. And the whole first 80% of the movie was boring and then got a bit better towards the end. Those people didn't even seem menacing or tough and everything was so slow paced.

edit: plus I thought it was dumb that the last character max does something to.... is not one of the worst ones. they kept making out one guy to be so bad, yet the climax of the movie involves someone else.
