Similar Movies?

What are some similar movies? I am sure there are plenty. I just thought of "Foxes".


I'm going to stretch the definition of similar here, but for a glimpse into what slightly younger (11-12) kids did with their time in the 1970s have a look at Don Coscarelli's "Kenny and Company." It's a far more lighthearted film. I suggest this because to my mind the triumph of "Over the Edge" isn't all about its gritty realism and depictions of junior high schoolers drinking, doing drugs, beating the crap out of each other, and so forth. It's also an honest peek into what music kids of that era liked, their vernacular, and ways they relieved their boredom that weren't illegal (or if so nothing that gets you sent to the hill). For example, Carl and company hanging out at the unfinished house, milling around at the rec center, biking around the neighborhoods, watching inexplicable psychedelic images flashing at high frequencies on their bedroom televisions, and their awkward efforts to impress the opposite sex. The less dramatic day to day stuff.
