MovieChat Forums > Caddyshack (1980) Discussion > Honestly what is funny about this?

Honestly what is funny about this?

In the most sincere way i can sound, i honestly want to know, what makes this movie funny? I barely cracked a smile at any of the jokes or slapstick, it was so insanely bland and terribly acted apart from a rare few.

I would go as far to say this was boring, using the lowest form of comedy (slapstick) as its holy grail. The dialogue was Terrible, apart from some of Dengerfield's rambles, which i assume were improvised for the most part.

So please enlighten me to some funny moments/quotes because i must have missed them.

(fwiw I love golf, and play fairly regularly so that wasn't it...)


Most of the free world "Gets" this film. If you don't like it then no one here is going to convince you otherwise. I think it is funny as hell and can and have watched it over and over again. Not everybody likes every film but my guess is your sense of humor is very dry.


Mrs. Havercamp, Mrs. Havercamp your ball is right over here.


Why don't you enlighten us on the definition there mr wizard. You are as "dry" as he is.


That's not what a "dry sense of humor" means.



I know the saying different strokes for different folks.....BUT, there's some comedy movies that IMO, if you don't like them and get serious laughs out of them, well, I would hate to be around you in real life. Caddyshack is one of those. How anyone can not find this movie funny is one miserable person. I'm not saying the movie is or was Oscar worthy but jeez, if you can't laugh at this movie you need to immediately remove the corn cob from your *BEEP*




"The people that keep defending it are locked into their position. For the most part, they can't admit they are wrong. Some do legitimately like it but they most likely have brain defects. It's sad."

The same could be said for the people consistently bashing the film, too. I'm sorry you don't "get it," but just because you are offended by or don't like something doesn't mean that it's bad. Don't let your ego fool you into thinking your opinion is fact.

The world needs ditch diggers too.

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?


I agree with the OP. There are some funny moments with Bill Murray and Rodney has a few good lines, but other than that, it just isn't very funny. Examples of great comedies of the same era, and same group of filmmakers are:
- Animal House
- The Jerk
- The Blues Brothers
- Stripes
- Vacation
- Trading Places
- Ghostbusters
- Spies Like Us
- Three Amigos
- Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
- Groundhog Day


"- Vacation"

Do you mean 'National Lampoon's Vacation'?

"- Three Amigos"

Do you mean 'Three Amigos!"?

"- Planes, Trains, and Automobiles"

Do you mean "Planes, Trains and Automobiles"? (I think this is one of those movies that have two names - one utilizing the ampersand, and the other using 'and' - the movie poster has 'and', but the movie itself, if I remember correctly, has an ampersand in the title.. 'Twelve Monkeys' suffers from this type of incongruency as well, if memory serves)

If you are going to praise some movies (most of the movies on your list are not particularly funny, some are classics), you could at least write their names correctly - just sayin'..


Very strange post, especially criticizing them for writing "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles" instead of "Planes, Trains and Automobiles". Or do you just have some "pickiness gripe" going with ryderdvs?


Lol he sure holds a grudge a long time then!



Someone stick a tube down this guys throat and ill be there in 4 or 5 hours.


My dinghy's bigger than your whole boat!

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?


So what!


So what? So let's dance!

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?


Just finished it, the supposed classic comedy. Maybe it was funny 34 years ago... idk

Clever people will recognize and tolerate nothing but cleverness.



Hey gotoads, why do you have such a hardon for this movie? Not liking a movie is one thing, but your hatred and seeming fixation is different. There are lots of movies I don't like, some I even hate. But I don't go on those movie's IMDB message boards and trash them or get all defensive and trash posts in support of the movie. I just ignore movies I don't like. If you don't like the movie, then don't watch it and move on with your life.

Constantly monitoring the board of a movie you profess to hate and repeatedly posting to trash the movie and tear down support of that movie suggests an emotional investment in said movie that might not be entirely healthy.

We all get that you don't like Caddyshack. that's fine. But yours is just one persons opinion. A subjective outlook that most here don''t agree with.

Did you have a crush on Sarah Holcomb or something? Does Rodney Dangerfield owe you money? What is it that feeds your animosity and drives you to post so much negativity?

Introspection can be difficult, but can be very rewarding.


Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?


Hey Moose, Rocko, help this guy find his checkbook.


Hey, you scratched my anchor!

Hey Whitey! Where's your hat?


Nothing, everything was horrible from start to end. Zero laughs.


What's this post doing here? Don't you see it? We'll pick it up!!
You owe me one gum ball machine.


It's funny because it's silly (chocolate bar in the pool),
and a lot of the comedy comes from the improvisations (Bill Murray and Chevy Chase scene).
Also, Rodney stole the show...


Personally for me, the memorable quotes and colorful characters make this comedy funny. But I respect opinions, as long as it's backed up. I can especially see now that audiences may find this film nothing more than a goof-off.



Yeah I have to say if yo saw this and didn't get it or it wasn't funny, then just move on. It's a classic and being its about golf and general storyline acting it hasn't aged bad other than clothing line and hairdos alike. So yeah if you didn't think it was funny then you just don't get it whereas most everyone else does.

All that said yes this film like any other film has the mark of the 80's and was better back then, but still if I'm up late and there's nothing else on and I run across this I'll put it on. Good ol flick


I'd compare this to Raising Arizona or a low-key film rather than Happy Gilmore or a more up-front comedy. This movie is laid back...if you're expecting to laugh hysterically throughout the thing you'll be disappointed. Honestly, seeing random scenes on youtube or instagram (like "You'll get nothing and like it!!!") make me appreciate this movie more. Also, being into golf/caddying helps.


I'm so glad I am among those that''don't get'' this movie. I feel genuinely sorry for people entertained by it.


My father never liked you.
