MovieChat Forums > Caddyshack (1980) Discussion > Caddyshack vs Happy Gilmore

Caddyshack vs Happy Gilmore

Which do you prefer? I noticed quite a few similarities between the two movies. Personally I find Happy Gilmore funnier, Caddyshack was an okay comedy but wasn't as hilarious, and I found the Bill Murray sections kind of boring.


I think you're insane.



This is absolutely the worst comparison ever.

I know you don't get much from a 33 year old film on imdb boards. But are you SERIOUSLY comparing the two. I grew up in the nineties and in the happy Madison era,

Caddyshack is a landmark, staple comedy film of all time greats.
The golf in caddyshack has almost minimal to do with what makes the movie so great. There are almost a dozen different subplots and storylines going on at once and it's all articulated and barely contained in the film there is so much masterful comedy.

Not to even justify this argument. But to shell ONE aspect of why this movie stands head and shoulders above happy and anything Adam Sandler will ever create --
Is the type of humor, the type of classy, smart and subtle humor that does not need for the actors to degrade themselves, the game of golf or any potty mouth humor Sandler uses in order to stand on its own in its own way, and is surberbly funnnier. Yes we have one duck/fart joke amongst dozens of humor beyond all HG combined. The lines by Smails nephew, the groundhog, yes a groundhog, A Caddy's friends younger brother -- funnier than any penguin or chubs McGee could ever resonate with, the relationship lines, and true character acting by judge smails himself. The only blatant and outgoing attempts at comedy are Al's over the top jokes. Which even then get out shadowed by the rest of the casts subtle humor. I'll admit the story line is inconsistent or even intocongruent at times, but is far beyond storylines of an alligator, a grandma, maybe not caretaker as Stiller was funny, but only in 'shock' comedy of the 90s, which is no longer funny while CS lasts. Its also a true terstament to golf, golf lore and relationships made on the Golf Course -- as Happy is not.

I hate to say it, but with Caddyshak its one of those things, if you don't get it, or too impatient you just DON'T get it. It's rarely true in movies. But the fact you are comparing it only shows that the level of humor in happy Madison, makes more sense to you than that or Harold Ramis, bill Murray or any of that cast and people is a sad sign. This is one of the most funniest, genuine and timeless movies of ALL TIME.


nah, its an inane comedy with little plot and puerile jokes.



Kid on bike "Where you going?"
Charlie Bright ""Somewhere".


I love both .... they great golf flicks. It would be difficult to pick one. Bill Murray was genius in this.


I'll go with Happy Gilmore.
I did like Rodney Dangerfield and also the 2 topless girls : one in the pool, shown for 1 second and the other the niece of that rich judge.


Caddyshack blows happy away


I wonder what Adam Sandler would say?


i don't know what adam would say... but i know mamma said "caddyshack is da debil!"

Thread ender.




for me, Caddyshack wins hands down!! I like the occasional Adam Sandler movie but he basically plays the same person in every film....

Lets build a snowman!


When Caddyshack came out, it had stuff in it that was considered pretty edgy. The candy bar in the pool, teenage drunk vomiting, and RODNEY! My dad took me cuz it was R rated, and we both about peed ourselves, and went back to the theater two more times during its run.
Animal House and Caddyshack laid the groundwork for Happy Madison,which I also enjoyed.



No point in even asking this question on the "Caddyshack" boards.

Enter my contest! I need help for a new signature! Maybe I'll choose yours and you'll win a cash prize!


Caddyshack has the home turf advantage on this board.


Caddyshack is the best, Happy Gilmore doesn't even compare to Caddyshack. I Caddyshack you have the Murray bros., Chase, Dangerfield, Knight. The cast was perfect; and perfect comedy is what we got. It is my favorite comedy, and always will be.

Kris L. CocKayne


knowing happy Gilmore is hilarious may be the only sane thing about you

