MovieChat Forums > Coal Miner's Daughter (1980) Discussion > What did Lorretta expect? (wedding night...

What did Lorretta expect? (wedding night)

She seemed really excited about getting married, and wanted to. She enjoyed kissing and making out with Doo.

I know there's no sex education then, but I'm sure she knew how it works. She probably saw farm animals doing it and stuff.

So if she wasn't ready for sex...why did she get married? Doo didn't seem like the patient type at all, and he said he chased wild women so she knew he wasn't a virgin.

I'm not blaming her on the rape or saying it was her fault. I just don't know what she was thinking. Her family was against it (it broke her father's heart), she didn't know how to cook or run a household, she wasn't ready for sex...but she was super excited about getting married to him.


What a stupid question! I'm going to refrain from insulting you personally, but it is taking a lot of willpower... She was 13 (in the movie), how else did you expect her to act? The better question is what the hell did DOOLITTLE expect? That a 13 year old girl is going to come as the perfect little Stepford wife with all the trimmings and a manuscript programmed into her?


... She was 13 (in the movie) ...
The movie is not specific about her age when she was married and there are very few date references in the film. She was 15 not 13. Before she was married at one point she mentions to someone that she is 13 going on 14, but her biography is quite clear. She was 15 when married. I agree with her dad, still too young.🐭


Ever read a romance novel? A lot of people's expectations of sex and the reality of sex are very divergent.

She was ignorant of the mechanics of sex, he was ignorant of foreplay. That combination rarely makes for a lovely first time experience.


she was about 13 they didnt know or talk about sex then as much then as they do now


It did not happen that way as depicted in the movie,she wasn't ready so Doo did not force her



She had lots of siblings so she should have not been clueless.

Mom getting large and small regularly should have raised a lot of questions for her.


PBS just re-aired LL's documentary.

They showed a clip of her on Johnny Carson at the peak of her career & she tells him she had the first 4 kids by the age of 17.... Then later, she had the twins... She told Johnny: "That's why I had Doo get 'fixed'; before I started having litters!"


Where can I find the definition of the word 'Dictionary' ?


A warm hotel room. What a dump that place was
