MovieChat Forums > Stir Crazy (1980) Discussion > Stir Crazy or See No Evil Hear No Evil??...

Stir Crazy or See No Evil Hear No Evil???

Difficult one.....but I think I would have to go with Stir Crazy. Having only JUST bought See No Evil.... on DVD I will (obviously) have to watch it many many times to give it a fair hearing. What does everyone else think? Cast your votes..............................NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Difficult one indeed. With me it would actually have to tie! Very tough desission.

Class of '76 Rules! USA
ELO, Ford Pintos & All in the Family


Stir Crazy, a film hasn't made me nearly die laughing like this one for ages!


See No Evil! Both great though.


Definitely Stir Crazy. One of the funniest I've seen in a long time.

"Sure I'm a short SOB. My father was a short SOB too. My mother was shorter than him. My brother was so short we couldn't even see him."

With a line like that, there's no argument.


Right it´s

TIE - 1
Stir Crazy - 3 votes
S.N.E.H.N.E - 2 votes


It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required
Sir Winston Churchill


See No Evil Hear No Evil. They were both on Swedish television (I live in Sweden by the way.. Just so you know), but I unfortunatly only recorded Stir Crazy. I guess the other one grows in memory.

Dave: Who are you talking to?
Wally: I'm talking to you, you prick.
Dave: Why don't you look me in the eye and say that?
Wally: I would if I could but I can't, I'm blind.
Dave: You're blind?
Wally: Yes I'm blind, what are you *beep* deaf?
Dave: Yes, I'm *beep* deaf!
Wally: You're really deaf?
Dave: I'm really deaf.
Wally: Then how do you know what I'm saying?
Dave: Because I'm reading your lips now you want the job or not?

But I do love the way Gene Wilder says that line when they're playing cards.

"We tried to teach him Charades! He doesn't get it! He just doesn't get it!!

The Apple Scruffs Corps, 04 - RumRunner


No brainer.
Stir Crazy every time.


Just saw Stir Crazy today. I had a couple of laughs, but I like See no evil, hear no evil better.


at where i come from.we'd say "trying to compare the day with the night" our case,"stir crazy" is the shiny,vivid,glowing day,while "see/hear no evil" looks like being the gloomy,blurry nightly part,in my opinion..
going meticulously through the 2 movies,will give u an idea what im talking abt...


I'd pick See No Evil, Hear No Evil. I thought it had more funny moments and it had me laughing out loud more than Stir Crazy. Stir Crazy definately had its moments, like Skip on the mechanical bull, but SNOHNO had more of those laugh out loud moments.



Stir Crazy every time.
I am a massive Gene Wilder fan - the best comedy actor ever. (Leslie Neilson is the only one who comes close).
This is his best work in my opinion, but i also like the following:
Woman in Red
The Producers
Blazing Saddles
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Young Frankenstein
Silver Streak
See no evil, hear no evil (not as good as Stir Crazy).

Favourite moment from Stir Crazy:
When Gene Wilder gets 'bad' as they are taken into prison
GW: 'That's right, we bad, we don't take nooooo *beep*
RP: 'What you doing man?'
GW: 'Gettin bad'
RP: 'You a little too bad man!'


reply the stats are as follows.....

Stir Crazy - 5 votes
SNEHNE - 4 votes
and 1 tie.

Come on people, keep voting!!!!!!!!!!

It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required
Sir Winston Churchill


See No Evil, Hear No Evil gets my vote ("Fuzzy Wuzzy was a woman?!"), although I really like Stir Crazy too.

Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry. - David Banner


Wow tricky one to be honest.

I would have to say Stir Crazy for me, but only just and i do mean ONLY JUST.

Both films are very very funny and Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder work so well together.

"why would she say ship, ship, ship, ship, over and over, does not make any sense" (see no evil, here no evil)

Plus as already quoted on here from stir Crazy when he says about Being from a short family is just pure class.

Just for the record my alltime fave Wilder/Pryor film has to be Silver Streak. Awesome film.


It ain't oregano!!


Stir Crazy - 7 votes
SNEHNE - 5 votes
and 1 tie.

I'll take the "oregano" as a vote for Stir Crazy.

It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required
Sir Winston Churchill


you guys should see ANOTHER YOU also richard pryor and gene wilder film it's good if you think these are good see Another You


cheers mate.....will do!!!!!!

It's not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what's required
Sir Winston Churchill


See No Evil Hear No Evil.


thats a tough one.... but I'm going to have to go with Stir Crazy but actually it doesn't really matter to me because I'm a big fan of Gene Wilder and I love all of his movies especially Young Frankenstein.


Stir Crazy for me




This one! The others can't compare, this is the movie where they both have fun working with one another and this is the funniest one! Plus, Richard was still in his prime.

"Go To Hell, Devil!"
