my favorite scene

My favorite scene is when Wilder and Pryor are first taken to jail, and that very large man with the cowboy hat on asks for a light, and Pryor starts to cry. Then he really gets scared when the only place he can light the match is on the guy's bare chest. Too funny!!!


hard to say, but the scenes with the big guy is funny, like when they are being locked in the same cell as this guy viewed as a "MONSTER"... then the next morning, they sit there in the cell playing cards with him. well.. it didn't sound funny when i tried to explain it, but you know the scene. it's pretty funny.

when i hear the train,
i feel like jumpin on, and never come back again,
i'm like a stranger, nobody here i'm close to,
i use to think i could atleast have a few to always depend on,
but now i'm all alone on my way,
and i don't see anyone asking me to stay,
so when i hear that train,
i get the urge to jump on, and never come back again,
this don't feel like home, this place makes me feel alone,
nobody seem to want me, nobody makes this place warm,
and i believe the world would do just as well without me,
so maybe i'll follow my urges, jump on that train and leave.
nothing i try works out right, feel like my work here is done,
feel like it all is over, though they say its just begun,
i lost everyone i ever known,
what is the reason to keep on,
i'm a stranger, in a world i'm walking through all alone,
everyone has left me, and i when i hear the train, i feel like leaving and jumping on.


My joint favourite are scenes are when Skip returns to find Grosseburger (is that his name?) in the cell with Harry, and the camera pans across to Harry crying and mouths "Help. Me".
And when Harry strikes the match on the big black bloke's chest and soon as he does it looks at the flame and lets out a long "Ooooh....shllllt!"

What's that? You just called me a bastard didn't you!


I like the part when Skip is making a list of all the bad stuff about the prison. He asks Harry what the guard said to him. Harry replies "Man, I dont *beep* believe you." Skip repeats it very loud and writes it down on his list. But Harry was actually saying it to Skip. The way GW repeats it is hilareous.


Too much *beep* to list. But there are a few things that stand out. My top three:

3. Rory's line when pointing out Blade to Harry: "He's the one I'm gonna get you that cheeseburger from. How do you want it? Medium?" The fact that Harry wanting a cheeseburger was mentioned in a throwaway line in a previous scene, then forgotten about, then brought back up again for no apparent reason at all killed me the first time, and STILL kills me 100 times later.

2. Skip's conversation with his "mother" in front of the Warden & Deputy Wilson ("I TOLD him no, mother"). The confused look on both Corbin and Nelson's face, and the fact that they BOTH look up in "Mother's" direction, is priceless.

1. Harry's line when they first enter prison: "Better get bad, Jack. 'Cause if you ain't bad, you gon' get *beep* I'm laughing while I'm typing it.


One of my favorites is when they are first being taken to their cells and the guard gets on Skip about the yellow line, and essentially skip freaks out, then Harry calms him...only to flip out worse "I CAN'T TAKE IT...I CAN'T TAKE IT!!!"

The slapping of Tony Duke's head in the jail cell is hilarious.."oh take me back to old virginia lord!" <-- jail scene

I also loved the prison hospital scene...if you look you can see Richard actually spits when he says "SAY WHAT?"

Wayne Enterprises buys and sells companies like Stark Industries


Definitely the scene with Skip and Harry stopping at the bar on their way to California and the quick comments by Skip to the two cowboys guys.Skip asks them if theres any jobs around town and the cowboy punches a punching bag through the wall.Funny as Hec.


The part when they first arrive at the jail and are getting off the bus. Gene Wilder falling off the prison bus in a pink Izod polo shirt, totally shackled down, complaining while remarking about the surreal and gritty real atmosphere of the prison.


When Grossberger is isnging Down in the Valley


I don't want to sound like a sissy, but my fav scene is when they leave NY and are driving in their clunky van.

It's a very short scene without dialogue or comedy, there's some smooth jazz playing, which sounds like stock music but is still very nice. Their natural smiles, the music, the dirty but cozy interior of the van and the naive aura surrounding that little scene remind me of an era long, long gone.

Never be complete.


the dinner party at the beginning


I like it when Grossburger starts singing very nicely and everyone just listens. Too bad they didn't have the whole prison population burst into cheers after he was done.


I think this is my favorite comedy, some scenes are so so funny. My favorite scenes: 1.When Skip is punching that thing in a bar . 2.When Skip hit that black man in the head (in the jail). 3. Skip and Harry walking like a bad boys.


what about the scene where the gay guy in prison tells Pryor he can get him a cheeseburger,thats a crack up


Early in movie when they're in the bar and the two guys that are fighting over something (another guys woman maybe?) the short juy just clamps down on the other guys "tenders" with pliers!! The facial expressions FUNNY!!

"everything i say, by definition, is a promise." CARMINE SABATINI -(The Freshman)


Another funny thing in that scene is that the guy keeps calling the cab driver "Chico" as a derogatory term probably, but when Skip introduces them, the driver actually says "my name is Chico."

Never be complete.

