Subway scene

What an absolutely brilliantly terrifying scene the subway kill is! I love it. You can just feel the man's increasing terror as the scene unfolds and the camera work through the hallways is just brilliant. As always, what we don't see is usually what is most frightening. This and the scene in Poltergeist where Tangina is explaining the danger Carol Anne is in are bar none my favorite "horror" sequences ever. So simple, yet so frightening.



i must've seen the movie ten times before i noticed you can see the wolf approaching in the downwards escalator shot.



You can also see the puppeteers leg behind the wolf.


i must've seen the movie ten times before i noticed you can see the wolf approaching in the downwards escalator shot.

Yep, same here.


How could you not see that??


Because in some cuts it does not exist. It's hit & miss. I have a few of these discs and some have it and some just don't. & it's a WHALE of a difference for this film.


That's strange.


I know. Originally, in the theater at release it's there. So then a couple years later it comes out on VHS and it ain't there. I honestly thought I'd imagined it. Then the DVD comes out and it's there. It's a genuinely frightening visual and makes all the difference in this film.


Yes it is a masterpiece that scene, the ambient, immersion, and of course the sounds, the howls and growls are awesome and eerie as hell ! =)

Filled with humor and yet never strays from the terror/horror genre, very few movies accomplish that.


I totally love the London Underground and every time I go on the escalators, I look back down & remember THAT scene when it just starts to walk into the shot.

Apparently, it is "Tottenham Court Road" Underground Station. Next time I go, I will check it out.



And we only get a very brief glimpse of the creature, much like in Jaws with the Kintner boy and get an idea of how huge it actually is.


Awesome, I always think of this film too when visiting London. It’s hard not too. I know it’s Tottenham Court Road but what is the actual location? I mean the actual platform when he first hears the creature inside the tunnel? It would be amazing to go to that precise location.


And you want this citizen to fight, but, on retrospection some people, most people would be rendered petrified if they didn't flee for their lives in the first moments.



But, he doesn't run. He cowers in disbelief. I'm not blaming the man, MF. I'm just assessing the scene. It's incredible how he read it, how the production directed him and how he executed that direction. You can produce it a number ways, 37 years later I've finally made peace with the production's choice.

The were right all along.



Always reminded me (kind of) of the breakaway pier scene in Jaws where the pier turns around and chases the guy in the water. It has that kind of primal impact.


Totally! Good comparison for sure. Jaws captures that eerie, primal fear in so many scenes. My favorite kind of film to watch.


That werewolf howl is more terrifying than anything they could put on camera.

Don't spread my wealth, spread my work ethic


But it was so deserted!
Never saw that during the entire two weeks I was in England on vacation!


They actually shot the werewolf walks around the first corner when the guy looks back seeing the werewolf and says "good lord".
It is a great shot and it is a shame they didnt used that but I can understand they wanted to save the werewolf för later.


Yes, that escalator scene is one of the best horror moments of all time! 


"I shall report this!" Unfortunately, Bib Fortuna never got the chance to report anything... Brilliant scene, by the way.


I agree 100% but the opening scene for me is the best thing in horror. Them lost on the moors, in the rain with THAT howl getting closer...HOLY *beep* BATMAN


Totally agreed. And the sequence where David falls down and what happens next....


The thing is when David falls it totally disarms us, the audience. We let our guard down for a split second and then BANG!

What a great film.
