A Good Movie But Not Scary

An American Werewolf In London if you ask me is more funny than scary. It belongs in the comedy department not the horror department. I do know that AWIL is regarded as one of the best if not the best werewolf movies of all time, and Im not debating that, its just that it doesn't score high on the horror scale. I can think of other werewolf movies that are much scarier than AWIL.

If you ask me I would say AWIL is about as scary as the movie Ghostbusters which came out a few years later and which was also a big hit. Ghostbusters can be scary at times but both movies are more funny than scary and both movies belong in the comedy department not the horror department.


His rapist son is making a remake now!


I don't know. The scene where the werewolf first attacks the two main characters still frightens me to this day. It's such a great jump-scare (my other all-time 'jump scare' is funnily enough in a non-horror film, The Fellowship of the Ring, where Bimbo suddenly turns and grabs for the ring "It's mine!").

As much as an asshole as John Landis is in real-life, I can't deny that this is one of my all-time favourite horror films, and one of the ones that best balances the comedy and scares. I'd say it was a horror with comedy, whereas Ghostbusters is a comedy with horror (the scene where the 'dog's' hands reach out from the coach and grab Sigourney Weaver is a genuinely scary moment).
