Did Gogol flip off Bond?

Towards the end there, after Bond tosses the ATAC off the mountain, Gogol gives Bond some kind of hand gesture before he walks back to the helicopter. Is that the Russian version of flipping someone off? It wasn't the traditional middle finger, but you hear about how all these European versions involve a different amount of fingers, or the thumb, or whatever...lol.


I took it to mean he understood Bond's actions and respected his motives.

Plus, how could he get angry with a bloke he last saw when he'd banged the arse off his top agent XXX in an escape chamber-thing. I bet she came home a lot happier than from her survival course in Siberia.

Free your mind and the rest will follow


It was a polite gesture that he gave, but I felt like his delivery of the hand gesture was meant to resemble giving someone the finger. He's showing respect for Bond, but in his heart he's pissed and a part of him wants Bond to know it.

"Thanks, Bond. (**** you.)"
"You're welcome."

Even if what Bond says is true, that neither party has the ATAC, he lost out on getting a major advantage for his country and has made a long and costly journey for nothing.

"In literature, it's called plagiarism. In the movies, it's homage" ~ Roger Ebert


I agree it wasn't 100% respect

At the time (I was still in high school), I took it as a "what the heck, that's how it goes" gesture

But now I'm certain it was intended by the filmmakers AND by Gogol as a "f-you" gesture as well

He DOES respect Bond and probably even likes him, but doesn't mind slipping in a reminder that they're still officially adversaries

Besides, he knows Bond's full of crap when he says, "you don't have it and neither do we." The Brits don't NEED it, they just want to keep it out of enemy hands. This is a win for Bond and Britain, and they both know it


Gogol wasn't flipping him off, no. He's respected Bond since he's been a character in the movies (even giving Bond the Romanoff Star in View to a Kill).

I liken it to DeNiro's mobster giving Billy Crystal that "you..." gesture in Analyze This.

Nothing more reassuring than knowing the world is crazier than you are.-"Thor: The Dark World"


Are you sure? Bond was asked to return the Romanoff Star in Octopussy. And I am normally correct in all my posts


No he didn’t, he asked Bond to return the Romanoff Star in Octopussy. He gave Bond the Order of Lenin in A View To A Kill.


And thats exactly what I posted. You ok today?


Ummmm you might want to go back and read your own post.


Yea, as I stated, he was asked to return the Romanoff star in Octopussy


I don’t think so, I always interpreted their interactions as kind of “even though we are rivals I still respect you”
