MovieChat Forums > The Funhouse (1981) Discussion > Most overrated slasher of the early 80's

Most overrated slasher of the early 80's

After having this film recommended to me by many, as well as it having nearly a 6/10 rating on here AND being directed by Tobe Hooper I went in to it with my expectations set pretty high. Sadly this film is a great example of how hype can kill a film. This movie had no suspense, bad lighting, unlikeable and annoying characters, bad story, terrible script, the killer/monster looked like the thing from the goonies.. I can't think of one thing good about this film. I mean I guess it had the barebones laid out for it to be good but it just couldn't deliver. How could you possibly make a bad horror film that takes place within a carnival haunted house? The answer is.. The funhouse. I doubt I'll ever check out the remake but I betcha it's better than this.


It's underrated.


I really like this film and find it underrated as a matter of fact. It doesn't get anywhere near the same amount of attention as other films from the era like Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Halloween II when it's really just as good. I didn't even know there was a remake anyways.



If anything I think it's underrated, the first time I saw it didn't like it that much but it has grown on me after a few viewings.

Libera te tu temet ex inferis.
pro ego sum diabolus, pro ego sum nex.


I just saw this for the first time. I really wanted to like it being that I like most of Hooper's work, but unfortunately I was disappointed by this. And before anyone attacks me for being young and not being able to appreciate it, I'm in my 30s and I'm a huge fan of slasher (and more general horror) films from the 70s and 80s- even the bad ones.

I felt that overall it just wasn't that scary. If you took out the sex and nudity it would almost be child-friendly, or at the very least PG-13. Minus the sex and maaaaybe a smidge of the violence it could have been an extended episode of Amazing Stories or something.

The ending under the funhouse annoyed me as well. The girl just stood there screaming helplessly most of the time and the whole sequence dragged on way too long.

This seems like the type of movie that had I seen it when I was young I might hold it in higher regard now. There are a lot of movies from that period that are arguably of lower quality than this that I still love, even if only for nostalgic reasons. Seeing it now though it just didn't connect with me.


Yeah both this and the Prowler were both let downs save for a few moments but My Bloody Valentine and The Burning exceeded my expectations.


The Burning was pretty overrated.


The fact that someone in 2014 said this film was overrated just goes to show you how much of a cult following it has...and for sure not overrated.
