MovieChat Forums > My Bloody Valentine (1981) Discussion > which is better original or remake?

which is better original or remake?

Which version of My Bloody Valentine is better
the original or the remake?

because i have only seen the remake and was wondering if the original was worth a watch.

Only after disaster can we be resurrected


The original is so much better, but I have to admit that I found the last half-hour of the remake compelling – even though I was cringing at how bad it was for the first hour.


1981 was a good year for horror...

The Evil Dead
Halloween II
The Burning
The Prowler
Friday the 13th Part 2
Cannibal ferox
The Howling
Just Before Dawn
The Beyond
Black Cat
Dead & Buried
The Funhouse
The Last Shark
Burial Ground
Piranha Part Two: The Spawning
The House by the Cemetery
Deadly Blessing
Student Bodies
Hell Night
Galaxy of Terror
Ghost Story
Zombie Lake

That's a lot of good 80's trash movies!

And for the question, I was never a fan of the original, so I might go with the semi decent remake.

If you dance with the devil, the devil don't change. The devil changes you.


Great list there! You could pick any film out of there and I'd probably prefer that to just about any horror film released last year.



Definitely, the original one is best. The characters are much more interesting and it's more creepy!
The remake is ok, but not nearly as entertaining.

And Holiday Magic Continues...



The original duh

Now end of day and Iam the Reaper:Silent hill


The original. Better story, better effects, better characters, better acting. I'd give it a 7/10.

I saw the remake in theaters. I had been looking forward to it since its announcement. I went away insanely disappointed, but I decided to give it another shot tonight, hoping that my disappointment was only due to high expectations. Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Everything about it is poor. The sets and cinematography appear insanely cheap, maybe even straight to video. The acting from everyone involved is horrible -- Jaime King hams it up like no other. The CGI effects are at times laughable. I almost shut it off after that horrid opening, but against my better judgment I decided to keep going. I wish I hadn't. To each their own, but I consider this among the worst of the remake "craze." I didn't even find it fun or entertaining, which was clearly the main goal of those involved. It just didn't work for me on any level. 3/10.
If this blog doesn't make your skin crawl, it's on TOO TIGHT


Original all the way!

I don't think I have seen the uncut version. Is it available on DVD?


I didn't like the ending of the sequel, so the original or course!


I didn't know there was an original until two days ago. Heck I am 37. I thought the remake was the original. Anyway I finally saw the original and it's way better. Maybe because I like the 80s so much.


The remake is one of the best remakes ever made. So I don't wanna trash it. Really they did a good job.
But the original is better!


Original is far superior, but i do like the remake.


The original is one of the best horrors of the 80s. The remake is pretty terrible.




I saw the remake before the original and initially loved them both equally. After some time passed I leaned more towards the original if for no reason more than the shower head scene!!

I asked the director why he didn't include the shower head scene in the remake, being that it was so creepy and unique and he just said he really wanted to do it but with the way the script went there wouldn't have been a smooth way to include it. :(

"It's Minnie Pearl's murder weapon."


The Original is much better



The original by far! I don't know what it is with re-makes, but most turn out to be a disaster.
