MovieChat Forums > Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Discussion > Selleck talks missing out on Raiders

Selleck talks missing out on Raiders


Read some of Sellecks new biography in the supermarket yesterday , specifically the Raiders chapter..

We all know the story but it was interesting to read it direct from Selleck , he got the lead in the Magnum pilot after years struggling as an bit part actor , then gets called in for Raiders (very secretive project from Star Wars/Jaws/Close Encounters guys , Selleck says he loved their movies, especially SW) to screen test for the lead character of 'Indiana Jones' script to read, meets Spielberg and Lucas. Is given a hat and leather jacket.. Spielberg directs him with Sean Young as Marion, he gets good vibes from SS as if he's doing well. George watches.. he can see what may be a hint of a vague smile, thats good right?.. They thank him and he goes, doesn't hear anything for a while, meanwhile Magnum is looking good to go for a series.. gets called in for Raiders again.. SS & GL tell him you've got the role. Give him the script to read, he understands the secrecy. its absolutely terrific, best he's ever read. He tells them he's got the lead in the new show that probably looking like its going to series . They are surprised, shocked even, that he's told them. But reassure him it'll all work out as both are same company and will sort it. He goes off. Should he have told them about the series? what if it falls through, could he have jeopardised the role ? but they'd find out anyway right? What if both roles fall through?.. Best not to dwell on it.. Then hears Magnum (now called Magnum 'P.I.' which he thinks is stupid but studio worried about being sued by Clint Eastwood for recent "Magnum Force") is going to series .. Nice! but hadn't heard anything about Raiders .. Then after a while his agent calls him 'yeah Raiders isn't going to happen for you' ... Apparently the studio boss put his foot down and said no to Selleck being the star of a major movie as would most likely then want out of the series to pursue movie career as had happened in the past which Selleck swears he wouldn't have done that once he'd signed for Magnum, he'd have honoured the series and done the movies in-between and the TV company would have a film star in their series. win win situation. (Shatner ended up doing this for Star Trek movies/TJ Hooker series, MJF with BTTF/Family Ties).. Once he comes to terms with the situation he focuses completely on Magnum but early on the pain of losing Raiders is there when he watches himself on screen.. (I don't think he mentioned the bit about where there was a writers strike and as a result he could've ended up doing Raiders, )

Interestingly he never mentions Harrison Ford at least in the chapter I read. maybe he does later, but I had to go do my grocery shopping (I'm pretty sure I've read previously Selleck said he thought HF was wonderful in the role and couldn't have done it any better than him)

I knew from reading it about it all previously and in interviews with Lucas and Spielberg on the Indy DVDs that SS initially thought Ford would be a good choice but Lucas was like nah I've already used him in my movies I dont want him to be my Bobby De Niro .. SS is like OK we'll find someone else and thought Selleck was a great choice both happy, gave him the part., but bc of Magnum he couldn't do it so then they went with SS's initial choice (I remember SS saying that Selleck went on to tremendous success with Magnum so it was ok) . But like I said it was interesting to read it direct from Selleck (obviously he's talked about it in interviews previously)

As I drove home I thought about Selleck, Had it worked out for him and he'd done Raiders then he obviously would've done Temple of Doom, Crusade, Skull and Dial throughout the years but in addition maybe he'd have bagged some of HFords roles (like he did various movies throughout Magnums run: High Road to China, Runaway, Lassiter etc but higher profile bc hed have starred in mega hit Raiders) so maybe Blade Runner if Magnum schedule permitted (I remember reading Spielberg recommended Ford to RScott while making Raiders, let Scott see footage etc), maybe some of Fords 80/90s roles like Witness, Frantic, The Fugitive, Air Force 1 etc. Would Ford have broken out of SW to have a leading man career if he hadn't been Indy? Or would he have been like Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher? (steady movie/tv work but nothing really big until the SW sequels) bc he was so charismatic in SW think he'd have probably had a leading man career as was already starting abit in movies immediately after SW (Force 10 From Navarone, Hanover Street) but probably not as big as it was with Indy, Blade Runner etc (maybe he'd have done some of Sellecks movies High Road China*, Runaway, 3 Men & A Baby etc)

*in trivia it states High Road To China was given to Selleck to part compensate him for losing Raiders (it was obviously deemed one of the Raiders 'imitator' adventure movies that came out in its wake but had actually been in production years before with Roger Moore)


Interesting read - thanks.


Shame. If Ford never worked out, he would've been a good choice.

Tom is an underrated good actor. Very warm onscreen presence.


one of hollywood's craziest "what ifs"


I guess it was meant to be. Ford embodies the part.


very true


Had he been Indy we wouldn't know any different, Selleck would *BE* Indiana Jones. the way Harrison Ford has been. The hat/whip/jacket synonyms with him (moustache instead of chin scar), the John Williams score following him around everywhere (even when getting a colonoscopy), the iconic 80s trilogy culminating with co starring with Connery as his dad that summer of 89, the constant 'will there be an Indiana Jones 4?' question being asked for near 20years with all the rumours (Harrison Ford as Indys brother?), the let down of the Crystal Skull return, the Dial of Destiny bomb. Everything that was Ford would've been Selleck

He'd also be Magnum (nearing equal fame as Indy in the 80s) so there's be that dual fame role thing going on like Stallone (Rocky/Rambo) and obviously Harrison Ford (Solo/Indy) but one would been on TV like Shatner (Captain Kirk in Star Trek films/TJ Hooker on TV)..over the years though Magnum wouldve faded to 80s TV history (like it has along with the rest The A Team, Knight Rider, Airwolf, Fall Guy, TJ Hooker etc - some occasionally revived in TV or movie reboots with new actors) and Selleck would been primarily associated with being Indiana Jones (and maybe other stuff like Blade Runner, Fugitive), basically like Ford a huge 80s/90s name above the title film star (maybe the biggest like Ford was/is)


Interesting stuff!

However I dont think it follows that if Selleck personified Indy it would mean he'd have ended up doing any of HF's other stuff , like Bladerunner or The Mosquito Coast or that Henry thing. Its not like they're Indy related . HF seems to have done a diverse range of types & genres


That's true he probably wouldn't have done most of Fords stuff (esp as he had to be filming Magnum throughout the 80s) but I think Blade Runner would've been a possibility as in the making of Raiders Ridley Scott was interested in the new lead for his picture and talked to Spielberg and was shown some 'dailies' which made him cast Ford as Deckard, so maybe same could've happened with Selleck.. then again he might not have been able to do BR due to Magnum so its even possible Harrison Ford could've still been in BR even had he not been Indy (as Scott would obviously aware of him through SW)
