Dark Crystal or Labyrinth

I posted this thread on the Labyrinth page, thought it only fair to let the Dark Crystal fans have a say-there are a lot of die hard Labyrinth fans around, is it the same for this film?!

So, my boyfriend saw Dark Crystal as a child but not Labyrinth, I saw Labyrinth but not Dark Crystal. After watching them both again (and again and again) I LOVE Labyrinth so much more and bf is still more fond of Dark Crystal. Perhaps its the fact that the film reminds you of childhood, or perhaps its a male/female thing? Just wondered which film people preferred...
PS-Our daughters fave is the Storyteller!!


i saw Labyrinth at the cinema when i was 6 and saw Dark Crystal all those years ago to but i would have to say Labyrinth


Labyrinth without question, I have yet to manage to stay awake all the way through this rubbish!


C'mon now. DC is awesome. I saw both in theaters, and loved them equally. If you want my opinion, a question as this should never even be asked.

With every beat of my heart, there's thunder inside...


Dark crystal no contest whatsoever

"she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever."


Dark Crystal is rubbish? Only if we apply the most biased and awful standards ever imaginable.


I watched both as a kid. Although I love David Bowie, I have to say the Dark Crystal. It absolutely enthralled me when I was younger.


Dark Crystal, easily. As much as I want to, I just can't get into Labyrinth..


Same here!! I enjoy "Labyrinth", but just not quite as much as "Dark Crystal". I don't even think it's necessarily the fact that I didn't see "Labyrinth" until I was older, I just think the fantasy and awesomeness of "Dark Crystal" is so much better.

HOWEVER, David Bowie is the most amazing actor/singer in the entire world and nothing, and I mean NOTHING, compares to "Under Pressure" with Freddie Mercury.

Sorry, just had to get that out there.


I'd have to say, We will Rock You & Dark Crystal. I didn't like Labyrinth, I saw it on TV, there were parts that were good, especially David Bowie, who was fantastic, but Sarah was sucky, sorry. I liked the story line better in DC, also. It made me laugh, a lot. Or, was scary,& very strange. Labyrinth was also strange, but not consistent. That's my personal opinion.


Apples or oranges?


Dark Crystal. It has its own internally consistent world. Labyrinth has an annoying protagonist.


Barlow at least gave some sort of reason. Everyone else should do the same. I choose neither. As I stated before, it's a question that should never be asked in my opinion, but if you're going to answer...give a reason to back yourself up. Otherwise, it's useless to post at all, except for opinions sake, but even still...you should give reasons to your methods.

With every beat of my heart, there's thunder inside...


To be more specific:

Labyrinth is a sillier movie in general, and The Dark Crystal has a stronger story overall. It isn't afraid to depict a darker world where creatures actually die. And furthermore, the world is more detailed and consistent, since it doesn't have human actors confusing the issue or detracting with their presence/performance (i.e. no gratuitous songs with David Bowie, not that I hated them or anything, but they didn't really do anything to add to the plot). With only muppets in the frame, we can focus our attention instead on the story and not on loosely connected little gimmicks.


um..u BEST not be referring to jennifer connely! she is amazing and my favorite actress!

labyrinth wins over everything!

you remind me of the babe
*( l a b y r i n t h )*


Dark Crystal. It has its own internally consistent world. Labyrinth has an annoying protagonist.

Right. Because Jen isn't at all annoying. "I'm not ready to go alone... Alright alone then." The entire movie he complains about eveything.

Come on thats garbage. I won't deny the Labyrinth's protagonist is annoying but Jen is the most annoying character in any movie I have ever seen. Including kids and I hate kids.


I love both of them... but I definitely choose Labyrinth over Dark Crystal, mainly 'cause I grew up watching Labyrinth, it was my favorite movie when I was a child. I didn't see Dark Crystal until I was a teenager. Now in my 20s, there still both in my top favorite movies, but Labyrinth makes my top 10, Dark Crystal doesn't.


I'm female and I love... The Dark Crystal!!! (even though I saw Labyrinth first)
I like the Labyrinth but, as someone else stated, Sarah is a very annoying character. All she does is whine about her brother and how things aren't "fair".
Labyrinth is like a fairy tale. Dark Crystal is more like a legend.
And maybe that's a big reason why I enjoy Dark Crystal so much more. I could watch it once a week for a year and still enjoy it. Kira is cute, smart, and courageous. The creatures are cool. Aughra is funny and wise. It's a darker gritter story. It has enslaved creatures, a machine that drains your "essence", and the Skeksis and Garthim are quite scary.
I'm going to watch it right now!


I am a guy and saw both when I was very young. Both were my favorite movies growing up so this is tough... The Dark Crystal.


I love them both, but if forced to choose, would have to pick Dark Crystal.

Jen & Kira are much more likable heroes than Sarah (who, as a previous poster noted, whines most of the way through). On a more technical level, script-wise, I would have liked Sarah's maturing to occur more gradually and in a '2 steps forward, 1 step back' believable way. I also felt that they 'chickened out' of the ending...where Sarah reverts to childlike behavior, partying with her friends. I'm not saying that growing up leads to an end of all fantasy, just that the fantasies become deeper.

Also, in Labyrinth, in the ballroom scene (after she eats the Peach), they did not make clear one thing (that was in the novelization)...this was the Goblin King's attempt to entrap Sarah in an adult illusion or fantasy...she finds her way out by not understanding and then being frightened by the corruption it represents. I felt that could have been clearer. It's as if the director of Labyrinth felt uncomfortable with the hints of more grown-up concerns.
