Dark Crystal or Labyrinth

I posted this thread on the Labyrinth page, thought it only fair to let the Dark Crystal fans have a say-there are a lot of die hard Labyrinth fans around, is it the same for this film?!

So, my boyfriend saw Dark Crystal as a child but not Labyrinth, I saw Labyrinth but not Dark Crystal. After watching them both again (and again and again) I LOVE Labyrinth so much more and bf is still more fond of Dark Crystal. Perhaps its the fact that the film reminds you of childhood, or perhaps its a male/female thing? Just wondered which film people preferred...
PS-Our daughters fave is the Storyteller!!


Labyrinth, easily. I love it so much. TDC still scares me and lacks David Bowie.

"Rawr, I'm a dinosaur!" No. Rawr, you're an idiot.


labyrinth was the best... the dark crystal terrified me as a child
and i ony recently tried to watch it again. the only thing scary
about labyrinth was david bowie's huge package.

oh yeah, and willow was a good movie that came out
about that time too. also a little bit scary for a kid -
particularly when they all turn into pigs. but another
good one nonetheless.


This. Exactly.

Dark crystal scared me too much when I was young, although I'd like to give it a shot now that I'm older. Plus it was hard to sympathize with puppets alone. Plus you can't beat a soundtrack by David Bowie.


I think Labyrinth works better as a film, but I like The Dark Crystal's story and production design better. Personally, I feel that the big mistake Henson made with The Dark Crystal was that the antagonists (Skeksis, Garthim, Crystal Bats weren't threatening enough. As is said, a story's protagonist is only as strong as their antagonist. The Skeksis were too effeminate (I know that they and the Mystics were supposed to be sexless), whiny, scared of Kira and whimpering (Chamberlain). For starters, I always thought a scene with Jen and Kira being swarmed by Crystal Bats after they shot that one down on the lake could have been a do-able addition to raise the stakes in the film. Also a second Garthim attack before the one where they get to the castle. I hate to use this overused, often ambiguous term, but the film just needed to be a bit more edgy, even though it was intended for families. This is what SW Ep's 3-6 and E.T. did well. Fortunately, Henson did this better with Labyrinth. No other complaints AT ALL though.



I think the Dark Crystal is better. The storyline was more engrossing and the characters more memorable.


Labyrinth all the way... Jen it's kinda annoying (i know... sarah too... BUT Sarah + Jareth = my dreams as a child... and as an adult). Also, David Bowie in Labyrinth= =)~~~~ *droll*


If I'm in the mood for a good dark story with good puppets then I go for Dark Crystal. If I want something fun and enjoyable to sing along with then I will go for Labyrinth. I also like Labyrinth for the lines from David Bowie. I really can't pick which is better since they are two different type of movies.

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Well, while I love both, I can easily watch the Dark Crystal way more often than I can Labyrinth. Plus, the undertones of Labyrinth always bothered me a bit (Jareth/Sara storyline. A 35/40 year old, lusting after a 15/16 year old? Hmmm.....).


They're difficult to compare. The Dark Crystal is a much darker movie, whereas Labyrinth has a lot of humor. I love the music of Labyrinth, and it is a fun movie, but the sets and imagination of DC are amazing! I'm a fan of both really.


I prefer Labyrinth. Jennifer Connelly and David Bowie bring the movie alive, and by interacting with the puppets, the puppets also come alive.

I had a hard time looking at Dark Crystal, the puppets are beautifully made and with nice costumes, but they are so lifeless, hardly any facial expressions.

And then Labyrinth has the songs, the humor, the sometimes very weird scenery, it's a much more entertaining movie.

The only things I liked about Dark Crystal was the music and the landscape.
