MovieChat Forums > First Blood (1982) Discussion > Why did he blow up half the town

Why did he blow up half the town

so he starts by blowing up the gas station for no reason, and ends up destroying half the city - not caring who gets hurt. Why?

Growing up, I thought Rambo was the good guy. Watching this crappy movie today I realize he is the villain. Funny.


He was far from the villain. It's the story of a stressed out vet pushed too far. One of Stallone's top 2 or 3 movies.

~I see a little silhouette of a man, Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango.


Yep, Rambo IS the villain here. You're right on the money.
In the book, he even gets killed in the end. The movie lets him off with a much lighter punishment, sending him off to prison.
You gotta understand that, although he's the bad guy, he's not evil. Just traumatized, and the unnecessary force used against him in the first 15 minutes of the film by the policemen sets him off on the escape first, and on the rampage later, when the police persist in hunting him.
Being hunted down by many strangers brought him back to the war zone, in his scarred psyche, so he started acting again as if he was back in the Vietnam jungle.
Again, not an evil person, but a mentally ill one. With a deadly training in the art of war.


Rambo was somewhat insane in the movie though. Though not as insane as he was in the book. Speaking of which if you haven't read the book, you should. It's pretty good. Unlike the movie you really get to know a lot more about both Rambo and Teasle and why they're doing what they do.

More on topic though, Teasle is at fault for the whole thing. Like Rambo says to Trautman when he first talks to him over the radio, all he wanted was something to eat. He even told Teasle this when he first met Teasle. Instead of allowing it he told him to go 30 miles away to a diner to eat. If Teasle actually was a good cop he'd have bought him some food.

Green Goblin is great!


If you think this movie is crappy then you are a moron. Whether you agree or disagree with his actions is completely irrelevant. It was deliberately left to the viewer to form their own opinions on that. But the film itself is fantastic.


Because he can't sing or dance?


You think that's bad you should read the book where Rambo kills all of Teasle's men, kills 2 civilians who joined into help the police search for Rambo after the killing of Teasle's men,blows up the police station which has Teasle's war medals in it, kills Teasle,and thinks to himself that it was okay to kill Teasle's men.

Green Goblin is great!


I took why he did it as 3 main reasons:

1. He was following basic war routines of taking out the enemies supply and weapons sources. Gas gave automobiles power and the gun store represented their ability to attack back. He was so far deep in his mental issues that he interpreted both as giving them an advantage but that's just how war works.

2. He hated the town as it represented what all was wrong with America at that point and how they treated veterans and those down and out. Rambo was being pushed around for years and he finally snapped and fought back so he took his aggression out on Hope. It had to happen somewhere and it was the town's fate.

3. And lastly he did it as the way to show his power and dominance over Teasle. Teasle bragged in the beginning of the movie and boasted that he was the town's savior and was supposed to keep it calm and the bums out. It was HIS job to do keep Rambo out; so Rambo more or less got his checkmate by destroying the place and violating Teasle's pride and #1 job: protect Hope. He was it's savior but couldn't save it from getting destroyed. It showed how weak and useless Teasle really was and I'm sure it lead him to admit his failure. That was Rambo's ultimate form of victory here.


He was following basic war routines of taking out the enemies supply and weapons sources. Gas gave automobiles power and the gun store represented their ability to attack back. He was so far deep in his mental issues that he interpreted both as giving them an advantage but that's just how war works.

That's an interesting point, but I think he blew up the gas station to create a big diversion whereby all the police would be drawn out to the other side of town where the explosion was, thus leaving Rambo and Teasle alone in the deserted part of town (Teasle knew it was a diversion, thanks to being a soldier himself, so he stayed, and Rambo knew he would stay put as well).

Rambo then blows up the gun store in order to reveal Teasle's hiding position (he see's him on the rooftop, peaking up briefly, after the store explodes). After that, Rambo then moves in on him for the kill.

I am Djour Djilios. Could you spell that please? I don't think so. Try it with a "D".


The writers blew it by making John go all Rambo (pun intended). I wish the movie ended at the mountains. When John went to the town, it turned into an over-the-top action movie (which is what the sequels were about)


I always took it as Rambo completely lost it. At this point, he was in complete combat mode and the town was the enemy headquarters. He was going to destroy everything to win the battle.


Rambo quote to Teasle: "In town you're the law, out here it's me. Don't push it. Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe. Let it go. Let it go."

Teasle then proceeded to push & Rambo then proceeded to give him a war - destroying the town he was tasked with protecting & where he wrongly assumed he was safe from Rambo.
