MovieChat Forums > First Blood (1982) Discussion > What things was he "taught to eat" that ...

What things was he "taught to eat" that would make a "bully go puke"?

Just wondering, thanks. :)


"That would make a billy-goat puke"


Well in the novel, he eats a live snake when he has been captured by the Vietmanese. They threw it into the hole they kept him in. You can't blame the film makers for not wanting to do that.
Or for not adapting the scene towards the middle of the book where he forces himself to cook and eat an owl because he can't find another animal. Rambo says to himself in the book that the owl tasted awful.


Billy goat

And who knows, when you’re out in the jungle and you have no food you’ll eat whatever’s available


I can swear I nearly always heard him say "bully go puke", not "Billy goat", also, can the former one be just as appropriate as the latter?

Was that food he had to eat really so nasty? It wasn't err animal "excrement" or anything of that sort, lol, and was it really edible food?

And even if it did make that Billy Goat (or any goat or other animal for that matter) puke or even some human bullies (lol, haha), is it really that bad or distasteful that it had to take a brave man like Rambo who probably is also specifically trained and under desperate circumstances to go ahead and eat it?

P.S. Who is "Billy Goat" anyway?


Way to just ignore my post, man.


Actually no, I didn't completely ignore it, and besides, most films do NOT follow books right to the very letter, they make various changes and alterations here and there.

Besides, maybe that man who trained Rambo, really DID mean other stuff as well not just a snake or so and plus, in certain parts of the world, people do indeed eat snakes and don't complain or vomit or anything like that.

And I also wondered who "Billy goat" really is and personally, in more than 20 years of me watching that movie, I always heard it as "bully go puke" - maybe and perhaps implying that he is capable and tough of withstanding certain situations including eating certain food under desperate circumstances that even ignorant people who also wallow in certain ignorance and who have strong stomachs (like perhaps certain bullies do) wouldn't even remotely manage.


And I also wondered who "Billy goat" really is

At this point you're just trolling for engagement, no?


"Trolling" for "anything" is completely immaterial and in the eyes of the beholder to me. :)


A billy goat is an animal that is known to eat anything, even tin cans. By saying you'll eat something that would make a billy goat puke, you're saying you will eat some ridiculous shit. "Make a bully go puke" makes no sense.


OK fair enough, and you may be right about the last part, maybe I just misheard it as "bully" after all this time, after all, "Billy" and "bully" sound a little similar.

I'm glad that by ridiculous shit you don't mean or include shit as in "excrement" (haha, although it should also be noted, I believe, that this sort of "food" is harmful and also inedible as well as bad and nasty etc) although some of those other foods are not for everyone.

I also wonder - did Rambo have a strong stomach and trained levels of intestines for that food?


Dogs eat their own shit, maybe goats do too?

You don't need to train your stomach or intestines to eat things like snakes or owls. It's all mental. If you ate snake and owl meat but thought you were eating chicken, you'd never know the difference. Food is food to your body, so as long as you aren't eating a tin can, you're fine without training.

The point of the statement is that Rambo is mentally strong.


I'm glad that by ridiculous shit you don't mean or include shit as in "excrement"

I have to ask, is English your first language? If it's not, then I can understand your confusion, but anyone who is a native English speaker would know that when he refers to "some ridiculous shit" he's referring generically to "ridiculous things" or "ridiculous items."

"By saying you'll eat something that would make a billy goat puke, you're saying you will eat some ridiculous shit."


I said he ate a live snake. He didn't cook it. He ate it raw. That's not something most people would do. Also the reason I mentioned the book is because in the movie they don't show him "eating things that would make a billy goat puke." Unless you count the wild boar he cooked which would be more tssty than an Owl or a raw snake.


OK no worries, thanks.

So basically, he just ate live animals when under desperation and most normal folks probably wouldn't do it even if they were starving.

By the way, would someone like me, who is VERY picky about food in an ordinary everyday life, be ABLE to eat a live snake like that, do they taste normal and are they edible and easily digestible?


I wouldn't know. I've never wanted to eat snake s.


I never "wanted" to either and I suppose in your case Green Goblin, you never had to either, correct? (As in, say you got stuck on a deserted island or your plane crashed somewhere with no means of getting and receiving help for days and you were extremely desperate and starving?)


Well of course. Frankly because of not having a colon or large intestine, and having to take a medicine before breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I doubt I would do well in that situation.


I'm sure Kurt Cobain probably wouldn't be able to either, given his medical history of stomach problems.


Do you not have goats in Russia?


I do, heck, I live in UK and I think we have them too. I was just wondering why he singled out "Billy Goat" in this case and why "it" puking was meant to be significant?


And I am guessing haha a "Billy" goat would normally have a higher level of tolerance for various unusual food out there than a typical human "bully", haha. :)


correct .
Goats are famous for eating anything and having a strong stomach .

This is why everyone else "got" what Col Trautman said when he said it


And bullies are not, haha. :)


Like I was wondering how "Billy" goat became famous, is it a fictional animal? Is it a goat belonging to someone famous? Has it done something for which it became quite known?


that is a good question!
that is to say i dont know
maybe billy is the differentiator for a male one .

"billy goat" and "goat" seem to just mean the same thing in the english language
