MovieChat Forums > First Blood (1982) Discussion > Quentin Tarantino Thinks Stallone's Firs...

Quentin Tarantino Thinks Stallone's First Blood Misunderstood Rambo (& He's Right)

Quentin Tarantino is an admirer of the First Blood novel, but here's why he feels the Sylvester Stallone movie missed the point of Rambo.


what does tarantino know about rambo hahahahahhahaha

if tarantinio make this film then he write script with bunch of hysterical and unlikable character like all his overrate film. he would make it with style over substance and take out all heart and soul and replace with bloodshed.

this film was pass around studios for 10 year before being made in 1982. one reason why it delay so long is because it was too dark - rambo kill everyone. when sly stallone get a hold of script he change it so rambo is like rocky - underdog with heart who we root for. that is why rambo was phenomenon in 80s - he is hero with heart. hack like tarantino dont understand this and they dont understand rambo and why his character work.

first blood is greatest action films of all time. better than die hard, predators and terminators easy. one reason why it is so great is because it is made by real film maker and not hack like tarantino!!

thank god hack like tarantino do not reign in hollywood until dark age of 1990s when they were too late to ruin great film like first blood!!!


you do realize Tarintino can both understand how a different book represented a character AND do his own whacky style in film??

those are two different categories..

yaa man Tarantino doesnt understand characters...................


I myself would like a more faithful adaptation where Teasle is more sympathetic and where in the end both Rambo and Teasle let go of their hatred of each other before dying.


Stallone ended up making five movies out of his adaption of the book. He was probably right to change it.


I just listened to my audiobook of the novel that i have listened to several times and decided to respond. I'd argue you don't get the point of the original author David Morrell's novel. He wanted it to be about a Vietnam Vet who because of his horrible experiences in Vietnam, develops PTSD. Said PTSD makes him end up killing all of Teasle's men when they all go after him. But unlike the movie you get all of Rambo's thoughts and sympathize with his feeling sand thoughts on everything. David Morrell was not that happy about the adaptation and didn't really care for the sequels all that much.

Also something I feel the movie gets wrong is making Teasle and Galt unlikable. In the novel, Teasle is just as sympathetic as Rambo and even lets Rambo get a bite to eat when he comes back into town a 2nd time. Galt in the novel is a new guy on the job who makes the terrible mistake of pulling his gun on Rambo when he takes the razor they were shaving him with away from him. Rambo slashes his stomach open with the razor. I understand taking away Rambo's psychopathic tendencies in the novel but it feels like Stallone and co just went out of their way to make Rambo more sympathetic than the book and making Teasle less sympathetic. I like this movie a bit but wouldn't mind a more faithful adaptation. I doubt we'll get it in the next few years though as Stallone probably won't allow it to open til after his eventual death.


"didn't really care for the sequels all that much."

He did write a novelization of the first sequel though. I've got a copy . There is a little "forward" explaining some of this.
(mainly just that he died in book one , and now he's back)


...Also something I feel the movie gets wrong is making Teasle and Galt unlikable. In the novel, Teasle is just as sympathetic as Rambo...

Probably the key change in making the movie a success.

Having a great antagonist drives this as an action film. And Brian Dennehy did a great job.

Having two characters (not literally) voicing their inner demons may work well in a book structure but not sure that would translate to screen as well.


Whatever. I frankly think Teasle should not have been an unsympathetic jerk who is best friends with a psychopath.


Sure. Maybe he could have just sat down with Rambo and they could have discussed their feelings and the parallel with his Korean experience over a cuppa...


Frankly you should read the book before making ignorant comments.


LOL. I have read the book!

That's why I made my initial comment and then followed that up by mentioning Teasle's vet status (I can't remember if the film even goes into that at all) and the book's structure. Ignorant indeed...

But what works well in a book doesn't necessarily translate well to film...


To be fair, I think audiences could accept a faithful adaptation of the novel now. You are right that maybe 1980s audience couldn't accept one. I really like the last few sentences of the novel.
"Trautman pumped the empty shell from the shotgun and Teasle watched its arch glistening through the air. He thought about Anna again but still she did not interest him. He thought about the house he had made up in the hills and all the cats there. But none of hat interested him either. He thought about the kid and flooded with love for him. And just a moment before the shell completed its arch to the ground, he relaxed, accepted peacefully, and was dead."


Stallone ended up making five movies out of his adaption of the book. He was probably right to change it.

Good God, how does one argue against that?

But I'll try - I think a better film could have been made by sticking a bit more to the book, but there's no denying that as a franchise, Stallone did well. Personally, I can't stand the sequels because they just became mindless shoot-em-ups ,where First Blood had a great story but then I don't buy millions of tickets either.


Poorly written article, but seriously, how can you criticize a flawless movie? I wouldn't alter a single frame in this film, and I couldn't care less if it deviated from the character of Rambo. A movie has the freedom to carve its own path (no pun intended) and isn't bound to faithfully adhere to the source material. Take, for instance, Stanley Kubrick's reimagining of Stephen King's The Shining, which resulted in a cinematic masterpiece.

I would say to Quentin: look at the film, not the book.


Who (ever) gave a fuck about what that lantern-jawed Mongoloid hack thought?


David Morrell is probably my favorite author of all time.

FYI, The Fifth Profession and Double Image are my favorite books!

But anyway, QT is a talented film maker, but he should stfu!
Just like he tells his own detractors to STFU!

Aside from Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and Inglorious Basterds, there's nothing he does that interests me. He's a fucking perv! And he lacks the pedigree of true DIRECTORS like Kubrick, Scorsese, Hitchcock, Aronofsky, and Nolan. He's a fucking HACK.

And if I were to meet him, and he had no bodyguards, I'd beat his stupid face into the ground and take a shit on his forehead!

Fuck brad pitt too!

The movie: FIRST BLOOD was great! They tried all the language shit and Stallone changed it to make it an interesting MOVIE. The book is different. read the book if you like it better. The film was designed to make money, and it did. It also cemented Stallone as sort of a script doctor and producer. If you think otherwise, just look at the string of MOVIES that came after the first... Stallone's idea made money!

And it does not take a dump on Vietnam vets or the PTSD they suffered due to WAR.

quentin needs to suck a dick and stfu!
