MovieChat Forums > Inseminoid Discussion > I rather liked it.

I rather liked it.

You people expect TOO MUCH from a movie made in 1980 for a measly million pounds! Just enjoy it for what it is, stop expecting art from B-movies!

Other men sail through life, but I've struck a reef.


I will NEVER understand the completely unwarranted, unanimous hatred for this movie. I wouldn't even consider this movie all that cheesy. That means I didn't find the acting to be that bad, the set design was dodgy at points but still passable, and the creature effects were awesome and so much more effective than the crappy CGI effects we're treated to these days. The funny thing is that even though this is considered a rip-off of ALIEN I find it way more entertaining and interesting than ALIEN. I also find it way more enjoyable than 99% of contemporary mainstream crap. Seriously, what the hell are people smoking? It's sleazy and artless entertainment, sure, but what did this do to garner such outrageous contempt by everyone? GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES, FOLKS! THIS ISN'T THAT BAD!!!


its a great movie.and whats wrong with the rape scene?i thought it was fine.we could have done with scenes of all the women in the shower or lesbian stuff.something like that so we could see a lot more nudity than was in the film.



Who said that a nude stalin apears in this film in the nude to rape blondie 60's actress after treating her to his meatballs and pea soup soaking ?



I thought there was something to it. The editing was really good, especially in the dream sequence. The only original element to this Alien knock off so far is an excuse to kick a pregnant lady in the belly. The sets were crap and I've had problem telling the characters apart, some of them were direct copies of Alien characters, and others remain faceless after viewing the film. But that actress playing Sandy, Judy Geeson, did a really good job.


I thought it was generally amusing and agreeable trash.

What do you think this is, a signature? It's a way of life!


I was expecting it to be a lot worse than it was with all the bad reviews it got but it wasn't terrible at all. There were so many characters I had a hard time keeping track of who was who at times but other than that it was actually pretty good.


I'll cut them some slack when it comes to special effects, but I'm not accepting the movie makers low ambitions as an excuse.

Bad movie is bad.
