MovieChat Forums > The Thing (1982) Discussion > This movie was boring the 2011 prequel w...

This movie was boring the 2011 prequel was better

The practical effects were nice and all as was the idea of The Thing itself but the way it plays out in this film was honestly boring mainly because the characters are very flat and the ending was incredibly underwhelming as was the final act as a whole. Only thing this has over the 2011 prequel is that the practical effects are better than the CGI used in that movie. On every other aspect the prequel is superior.


You're entitled to an opinion, even it it's wrong.


Based prequel admirer.


I agree that the 2011 prequel is better. I wouldn't say this movie is boring though, but it is slower paced the the prequel for sure.

The fact that the only thing people can point to in favor of the 1982 movie is the special effects and the fact it doesn't have any women in it says a lot.

Truthfully I think many people operate backwards in comparions. They have nostalgia for the 1982 movie, they are already biased and determined to prefer it over the newer one so they try to search for reasons to prove the 1982 movie is the best. All they can come up with is the practical effects.

I've also seen some people complain that the 2011 prequel is basically a remake... well so is the 1982 movie. I honestly wonder sometimes if some The Thing (1982) fans legitimately don't realize it's a remake. Sadly some people act like Alfred Hitchcock invented horror in 1960 with Psycho and that everything before that never happened.
