MovieChat Forums > Blue Thunder (1983) Discussion > A couple of things that bugged me...

A couple of things that bugged me...

Although Blue Thunder is a great movie...
3 things has always bugged me..

When they are spying on Cochrane, and he goes to the window and sees Blue Thunder.... The helicopter basically just STAYS there and say "oh shit we've been discovered..etc"... and STILL stay there for a good minute until they finally decide to fly off... I know it's for the bad guys to SEE face to face.. but if you've been discovered.. get the FUCK out of there fast..!?!
When Lymengood is running tied up, instead of running in the middle of the street where a car can actually chase you down.. run INTO the fucken store ( Seven Eleven store) and get help...

When Kate gets to the TV station, although she's told it's important what she has.. she goes and shouts out loud to the security guard what she's got and very important. right in the middle of a big crowd..!

Even with those.. it's STILL a good movie.


I saw a tweet during the pandemic that said something like: "Seeing people not wear masks and not getting vaccinated makes me apologize to all the horror directors for yelling and swearing at them because their character ran from the killer to the basement and not out of the house."


Is there any point of hightailing immediately once you've been spotted?
The damage is done.

"middle of the street where a car can actually chase you down"
yup , he wouldnt be the first though , it happens in virtually every car/foot chase on film.

"shouts out loud to the security guard" i guess she thought she was home and dry once guard alerted
cant actually remember that bit.
time for a rewatch!
