MovieChat Forums > A Christmas Story (1983) Discussion > Is this the only good Christmas Movie

Is this the only good Christmas Movie

You assume we have alot of Christmas movies but it just isn't so. You have your old classics like A Christmas Carol, It's a Wonderful Life, 34th street but those are dated. There is a bunch of obscure Hallmark movies nobody really knows like "The Best Christmas Pagent ever" Ernest Saves Christmas isn't very good and i say this as a huge Ernest fan, The Tim Allen movies suck, Jingle all the Way is for the mentally impaired, Bad Santa movies are just vile trash, Will Ferreral is again for the mentally impaired, nightmare before Christmas is overated and is a halfway Halloween movie.

So we try to force in movies like Gremlins and Die Hard but we know they aren't truly Christmas movies. All that really leaves us with Christmas Story and Home Alone and Home Alone is really more about a kid setting traps to catch burglars but kind of passes as a Christmas movie more than Gremlins and Die Hard due to the premise being a Christmas Vacation and speaking of Christmas Vacation that movie isnt very good either.

So that's why they play Christmas Story 24 hours every Christmas because really it's the only pure Christmas movie they have for modern audiences


I saw it for the first about eight years ago and thought it was bad, real bad. I didn't get the hype whatsoever. But I'll give it another try, maybe this month.


Check out, "Black Christmas" (1974) and "Christmas Evil" (1980).


I liked "Black Christmas" -- a decidedly horror Christmas flick -- but haven't see the other one yet.


No, I also recommend Home Alone, Christmas Vacation, Elf and the underrated Christmas With The Kranks


I agree, there really isn’t many good Christmas movies. Especially from recent years, or should I say this century even.


Not to diminish the quality of the movie but I thought it was on every Christmas for 24 hours because Turner owns it and doesn't have to pay royalties.


OP is crazy. ELf is an excellent modern Christmas film.

I would cite Die Hard and Lethal Weapon as great xmas movies but I agree that just because they happen during the holiday doesn't make them real "Christmas movies"

I look sideways at OP's tastes.


The problem with Elf for me (and I suspect a lot of folks) is the unfortunately choice of Will Farrel to play Buddy. Farrel is the least funny, most charm deprived, most unlikable person they could have possibly cast for that film.

So unfortunate that they essentially wasted a great cameo by the great Bob Newhart by including Farrel. I think Will Farrel is the reason Elf will never be a true holiday classic.


Gotta disagree with you on that one. I think that Ferrell was absolutely perfect for the role and the film could not have been better cast.

Who do you think would've done a better job?


I could be flip and just say "anyone", but let me give it some thought...


I don't fault anyone for their tastes in actors (though I might secretly judge you on taste in directors) and I can totally understand people who don't like Farrel. He is hit/miss with me. Liked him just fine in Elf though. Thought he was perfect.

Trying to think of a better actor for that role myself ... hmmm.


Agreed that Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie. Even Bruce Willis said so:

Also agreed that the OPs taste is questionable at best. A Christmas Story is obviously not the only good Christmas movie, even if we're not counting the old classics.


I've always liked A Charlie Brown Christmas. Lovely story.


I guess technically not a movie but a *must see* for my wife and I each and every Christmas.


"Dated"? So what? They look and sound like the time they were made. That's what they're supposed to look and sound like. It's not a drawback.
