MovieChat Forums > A Christmas Story (1983) Discussion > Was "The Old Man" an Atheist?

Was "The Old Man" an Atheist?

2 points to consider:

1. In the beginning of the movie Ralphie's narration says, "Some men were Catholic, others Baptist. My father was an Oldsmobile man." Seems specific to mention religion as a comparison there.

2. It's never even implied that they went to Church, as evidenced by their late night Christmas Eve at the mall, and the next morning when the kids wake up and then the old man reads his funnies all day until they go out to eat.

What say you?


I'm not sure I understand your second point.

While some Protestant churches may occasionally hold a Christmas Eve service, it's not really customary for Protestants to go to church on Christmas Eve or to go on Christmas Day, unless Christmas Day just happens to fall on a Sunday. So I don't know what a "late night Christmas Eve at the mall" or the old man reading the paper on Christmas would have to do with his religious beliefs.


I just thought Christians go to church on Christmas or Christmas Eve. If some don't, then I guess it would refute point #2.


I grew up deeply embedded in the Baptist church and there was no Christmas Eve or Christmas Day service unless one of those days just happened to fall on a Sunday. This would be the case for most Protestant churches.

Catholics (and some Protestant faiths that didn't wander far from their Catholic roots, like Lutherans and Episcopalians) do go to midnight mass on Christmas Eve though, so your question isn't totally off base.

Regarding your first point you made though, I have actually thought about that before. It does seem to indicate that if he had any religious beliefs they weren't very important to him.


As someone who grew up catholic I can say it's not just midnight mass on Christmas Eve but there's an earlier one as well (my church growing up had a 4:00 mass). We always tried to go to this one to get it out of the way so we could relax on Christmas (incredibly religious of us to see church as something to get out of the way lol).


I'm Christian and grew up Christian as well. Midnight mass seems to be more of a Catholic thing (I'm Protestant). Meanwhile, we didn't usually go to church on Christmas, although some churches do have Christmas services.


You have an interesting point. Since I haven't read the book, I don't know what the answer is. Interesting, however, that this movie and Black Christmas have the same director.


I don't think there's any indication that the parents were religious. The Old Man certainly swore up a storm, so I'm thinking not.


I think that quote about the Oldsmobile is meant to imply he was both non-religious and handy.


1. In the beginning of the movie Ralphie's narration says, "Some men were Catholic, others Baptist. My father was an Oldsmobile man." Seems specific to mention religion as a comparison there.

It's got nothing to do with the old man's faith, it's got to do with humor. The old man could have been a deacon at his church and the comment would still mean the same thing: the old man was an Oldsmobile man through and through...


I thought it just meant he was obsessed with the car, not an indication of religious beliefs.


obsessed with the car in such a way that he can't be bothered with religion perhaps.


1. Just because you aren't very religious doesn't make you an Atheist

2. Who cares if he goes to Church or not? What exactly are you trying to get at here


1. I understand that.

2. Just saying that the fact that Church is never mentioned could be evidence of the fact that he is atheist/non-religious/agnostic


2. Just saying that the fact that Church is never mentioned could be evidence of the fact that he is atheist/non-religious/agnostic

Why should religion be mentioned necessarily? Ralphies father could have been agnostic, atheist, religious, racist, into bondage, a shoplifter, a gambler...

None of these things had anything to do with the recollections of a child relaying a story about **his** obsession with getting a Red Ryder ranger finder model air rifle.


It makes for an interesting discussion.


i think he was more of a materialist.
