MovieChat Forums > A Christmas Story (1983) Discussion > who ready for some chinese food?

who ready for some chinese food?

will be here in 30 min.!

pot stickers, princess shirmp, mogo beef, sizzling rice soup!


I was wondering where you’ve been!


went to go see 'a hidden life'---very good!

how is your Christmas?


Honestly Chinese food sounds so much better than the traditional Christmas foods my family and I usually eat... curious where you live since here in NY they don't have those names of the dishes on our menus...potstickers here are called mogo beef short for Mongolian beef? We have that then.


Mongolian beef, yep!


I begged, as I do every Christmas, my family to go eat at a Chinese restaurant and no one ever wants to. Maybe one day.


Christmas Eve we get Chinese takeout and eat in front of the fireplace watching Christmas movies.

Christmas Day is a traditional feast: Soup, an antipasto from the Italian deli down the street, ham or turkey, deserts of every kind except British Plum Pudding (something I always wanted to try).


no thank you, Chinese food is hit and miss for me to be honest.
