MovieChat Forums > Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982) Discussion > Had this movie came out titled Season Of...

Had this movie came out titled Season Of The Witch

And had no connection to the first two Halloween films, it would unquestionably be more well-received than the legacy its endured with being labeled Halloween lll. It's actually not bad and works as being a slick horror film with a clever twist at the end.


It’s a hell of a lot more fun to watch than plenty of the actual sequels.
And it’s got Tom fuckin Atkins!


I think the movie earned/deserves the "Halloween" part of the title. Just drop the "3/III" part. But I am a HUGE fan of the movie, so that explains a lot. Well, it's not the greatest movie ever or anything. I just think it's a fun and entertaining movie. I originally didn't care for it, but I'd say around 2012-2014 my opinion of the movie began to change and I started to accept that it has nothing to do with Michael Myers. I also consider it a must-watch every year during the Halloween season. The movie just screams Halloween (as in the holiday). I actually think I watch Season Of The Witch more than the Michael Myers movies nowadays when I want to watch a movie from the Halloween series/franchise. And I know all the details about what they were trying to do with Halloween and make it an anthology movie series, which backfired. So that helps me further accept the movie and feel it can have "Halloween" in the title. I actually would like a secondary Halloween series/franchise that is just anthology movies. Maybe one year do a Michael Myers movie and the next an anthology movie and bounce between the two. But the movie earned the "Halloween" part of the title, in my opinion. Just drop the "3/III" from the title so it's Halloween: Season Of The Witch. I don't need EVERY Halloween movie to be about Michael Myers. Have some fun. That's why I suggest having two Halloween series/franchises. And anthology series have become popular over the last couple years. So I think a Halloween anthology series/franchise could work and be more accepted than back in the day with Halloween 3. I just don't know if people will get it though even with social media and the internet. Even after Halloween 2018 released and everyone having access to social media and the internet, people still didn't get that Halloween 2018 ignored ALL sequels and thought it was a sequel to Resurrection and thought Laurie was brought back from the dead. Plus they were asking how she survived Resurrection.


I am not a huge horror fan but I really like this movie.

It is so different, unique, with a good dose of mystery.

Kind of goofy in parts but of the good kind.


If this movie was called Season of the Witch and was directed by John Carpenter it would be universally considered another horror gem and amongst his best work. It would sit alongside films like Halloween, The Thing, The Fog and Christine.


It's currently 5.1 on IMDb which is where I would rate it. It's not awful but not the unsung classic people are making it out to be. I watched it awhile ago and didn't care for it. When fans kept name dropping it, I figured I'd give it another chance. It's perfectly average if you're into B horror or cheesy sci fi.

I don't think it would have made much of an impression as a stand alone film. Part of the interest is from fans trying to tie it into the whole Halloween universe.


Yeah. It's nothing Oscar worthy. Just fun. I do praise the movie a lot, but I always throw in there that it's nothing Oscar worthy. Plus I wouldn't say it's in my top 10 or even top 20 favorite movies of all time, although I've never really sat down and thought of my favorite movies because my answer could vary depending on my mood. I also like a little bit of everything. And Halloween 3 could be better. For example, I don't like the whole thing where they make Ellie a robot at the end of the movie and they leave it open for debate if she was a robot the whole time or they killed her off and made a robot version of her offscreen once they grabbed her from the motel room. I'm one of those that are on the side of the debate that she was human in the beginning and they did something to her and made a robot version of her. I notice she starts acting odd/out of character when Challis/Tom Atkins saves her/reunites with her, especially being very silent. She doesn't say a single word. Ellie seems like a talkative person and would've said a couple things once Challis saves her. But this whole debate/twist kind of feels shoehorned in and they needed one last shocking moment/twist. The final battle or whatever you want to call it between Challis and Cochran could've been better too. I was always a little iffy on the brief romance between Challis and Ellie too. Challis just seems too old for Ellie, although Ellie says she is older than she looks. But I'm sure there is still like a 5-10 year age difference between the two, which seems a little weird, although my parents are 12 years apart in age and they got married when my mom was 18. But I guess when watching a movie or TV show, an age gap like that seems a little off. And then there is all the horror stories that go on in Hollywood. Did they get the idea for Challis and Ellie because of all the disgusting stuff that goes on in Hollywood behind the scenes? Makes you kind of question stuff.


Or just drop III from the title and name it Halloween: Season of the Witch.


Yep. Just like I said in my comment above. In my opinion, it earned the "Halloween" part of the title.
