MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) Discussion > Mysterious scene between Jabba and the d...

Mysterious scene between Jabba and the dancing slave girl

I watched this movie in the theaters, when it first came out in 1983. Ever since, I have been wondering about the dancing scene in Jabba's palace, near the beginning of the film.

Jabba starts pulling on the chain attached to one of the dancing girls, and he is saying something to her. She is obviously protesting. Then Jabba hits the button for the trap door, and she falls below.

I've never really seen an explanation for this strange scene, but here's my theory. The pretty young slave girl's dancing got Jabba turned-on. He wanted a little "koochi" from the slave chick. She couldn't stand the idea of "doing it" with the fat slob. So Jabba fed her to the Rancor monster.

Other opinions?


In the novelization of the film, it says that she actually worked for Jabba, and got paid for dancing for him. Kind of interesting.


I was under the impression he actually wanted to eat her.


Interesting idea.


Never saw the point of this other than to show up how bad Jabba is and put Leia in more danger.


Since Jabba was as likely to be attracted to a humanoid female as a human male is likely to be attracted to a monitor lizard, I don't think he had any sexual interest in either the dancing slave or Leia.

If he kept scantily dressed attractive humanoid females around, it was most likely to impress or beguile his favored humanoid guests. Or maybe he kept them around for dinner, maybe Hutts like humanoid sandwiches or something.


Sheesh, I remember this scene. When we were kids this is where someone would always yell out "this is where her boob pops out" and sure enough. Somehow the boob popping out made it past the PG censors for the film and was even in the THX and Special Edition VHS's in the mid 90's, not sure about the DVD or Blu-Ray re-releases in the 2000's.


When I was a kid I used to think I was the only one who noticed. Too bad what happened to her later though.


It seems to still be there in the Special Edition. You can see it here at 1:22:


I remember the first time I saw the movie as a kid, I was confused that right after she falls through the trap door, Jabba reaches over and grabs a little frog creature and eats it... I thought she fell into a machine that shrunk her into that little frog creature.


That's hilarious. Such creative thinking!


That's pretty much how it went. It's too bad too because originally the plan was to have her survive. And plus she was hot.
