Best part

The commentary.


I haven't watched the commentary yet, but I think my favourite is when the guy following Shepard hangs up the pay phone and puts the quarter in his mouth.

... what the hell?

"They're coming to get you, Barbara." - Johnny, Night Of The Living Dead


That was a pretty funny moment!
Made me laugh too.


I've heard the commentary 10+ times and I'm about to listen to it again. It's hysterical!

"I've been living off toxic waste for years, and I'm fine! Just ask my other heads!"


The commentary is of the best commentaries I've ever heard.


By far the best part in C.H.U.D. is at the end where the truck rolls into a pothole, before errupting into a rediculous fiery explosion, which based on the rest of the movie, probably consumed the whole budget.


Not ridiculous at all if you were paying attention. About ten to fifteem minutes prior to the explosive ending the "NRC" guy warns the drivers to be careful because the van/trucks are rigged to explode if bumped from underneath. "Be careful around potholes," he says. Which, I thought, was rather amusing.


Commentary and when the two police men go into the building a second before the chuds grab them then I say gotch ya last.





I dont own the dvd or the movie,I saw it on youtube.

The best part was the door scene.

He slams the door on top of the kid.XD



The best part is when Bosch punches the guy at the end. His facial expression is priceless. That punch literally paralyzed him.

"I'm an American honey. Our names don't mean *beep*


No, most of the violence is offscreen, which, in my opinion, makes it more effective.

"I've been living on toxic waste for years, and I'm fine. Just ask my other heads!"


The quarter-swallowing scene would go in as "Most strange 15 seconds in cinema history".

The sucker-punch to the flabby old evil suit was amusing.

I think that the best part of the movie, however, was the scene with the Reverend underground, creeping around on a ledge, trying not to make noise, and the CHUD are there, standing in front of the toxic waste, waving their arms up and down. It's very mysterious and artistic. It's almost like their worshipping, paying homage to the toxic sludge that "created" them.


Oh, man!
I aint seen this movie in soooo long!
What a blast! I still tell people to beware man holes on the way home at night..
I was 14 when this came out and had to walk home, alone, after seeing it...I walked down the middle of the road and skirted around anything that even resembled a man hole! =D
I LOVE this movie!

best scene...hmmmm.
The C.H.U.D extending its neck in the apartment...STOOPID! She's got a sword!
I wasn't expecting such expensive FX like that! =D

the guy that ate the quarter...isn't he the big lug in The Abyss? The one who breaks his leg and later smacks the seal over the head???

I need to watch the DVD with the commentary!

