MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid (1984) Discussion > I found the scene where Miyagi was drunk...

I found the scene where Miyagi was drunk was SUPER UNCOMFORTABLE

You do not get drunk when you are looking after a minor. PERIOD.

What's weird is he gives Daniel alcohol as well, destroying the trust the audience has placed in the seemingly wholesome stranger.

He then starts to hallucinate about world war II and his wife dying before passing out, blind drunk.

The whole scene is super cringe.


Hey I'm a tiny little Asian man and I can't hold my liquor leave me alone.


It was meant to be.




Daniel is old enough to ride his bike to and from places without "looking after." Daniel is old enough to hang with strangers on the beach without supervision (and dont tell me theres no alcohol at that party.) Daniel is old enough to go on dates without supervision. Daniel gets old enough to obtain a licence and drive where he pleases without supervision. Daniel is 15/16. He's not 6.

"Looking after a minor." LOL!

Mr Miyagi is not his legal guradian. Mr Miyagi isn't his dad or a family member. Mr Miyagi is not his caretaker. Mr Miyagi is not his babysitter. Mr Miyagi is not his employer. Mr Miyagi isn't even his teacher. Mr Miyagi wasn't hired to do anything or is responsible for anything with Daniel. He's teaching him as a personal favor and is allowing Daniel to come and go under Daniels own volition and under Daniels request. Miyagi can do as he pleases and Daniel can make those decisions for himself.

Please tell me you're joking....or are you one of those "everyone needs to be in bubblewrap" people?


Haha! Well said!


"You do not get drunk when you are looking after a minor. PERIOD."


You do not shoot people.
You do not punch people in the face.
You do not stab people.
You do not commit bank heists.
You do not kidnap people.
You do not embezzle.
You do not cheat on your spouse.
Etc., etc., etc.

Yet these acts are important events or even major plot points in countless films and television dramas. The alternative is Hallmark movies.


Mr Haan in the 2008 reboot was a better mentor for sure


He wasn't looking after a minor. Daniel showed up unannounced and Miyagi was already three sheets to the wind by then.


Simple observations like that are lost to a lot of people these days...


It's the scene that helped Pat Morita get an Oscar Nomination.
