Does any one agree?

This movie is wonderful and it is a shame that it doesnt get recognized more often. But another shame is that Judy Davis doesn't do more work. Does anyone else agree?


Yes. My favorite Judy Davis role is George Sand in "Impromptu." She is one of the great actresses of our time, but few people even know who she is.

I'm surprised that the Merchant/Ivory films don't have more discussion on these boards...


I agree with both of the above. I would rank this film among Lean's very best, and Davis, who can always be counted on to turn in a fine performance, outdoes herself here.


Not completely;

it was certainly visually wonderful. you could almost smell the aromas and feel the heat. But Judy Davis excepting, I thought the acting, even from well established actors, was awful. The Indian cast especially, hammed up every scene they were in. Some of the dialogue seemed to puzzle the cast as they were speaking it. The Directing was all over the place. Altogether 6/10


AGREED. But I guess it's an okay film for LEan to go out with, It could havebeen worse


I think the acting, on the British side at least, was very good. Especially the two women, played by Judy Davis and Peggy Ashcroft, the more the movies goes, the stronger the feeling of suffocation grows inside them and becomes contagious to the spectator. Actually, I think the Indian actors were pretty alright too, they offered a strong contrast to the British actors, and it had nothing to do with them playing wrong, I think it was just a different attitude.

Personally, I know I will remember Judy Davis face in this movie for a long time if not forever, with her tight hat, her bright eyes and her red lips, I think she makes such a very strong impression during the whole movie. I don't think it's David Lean's best, it's little epic compared to Lawrence of Arabia or Dr. Zhivago, but there is a very special atmosphere coming from this movie, something unique which is not so much communicated by dialogues than by silence, and which might leave a more durable and deeper memory in people's mind than his other movies. I've never been to India, but I believe Lean captured something of India's essence, perhaps its most outstanding trait for foreigners, a mix of fascination and revulsion. If I had to score, 8 or 9 out of 10.


what was wrong with the indian cast?


Yes, i agree that it should get more recognition. It's visually delightful film (as someone above said) but i also loved the storyline and the characters.

It's not the years, honey, it's the mileage.
Indiana Jones, "Raiders of the Lost Ark"




Judy Davis looks very lovely in this movie. She makes the movie more beautiful to watch.


Yes, this is a wonderful movie.
It is one of my favorites, I just watched it again last night.
I think it is the haunting atmosphere that draws me in.
I love the scene when she is in her bedroom, (it is after she
has been to the site with the statues and monkeys) and she stares
out at those beautiful flowers in the moonlight, then the wind picks-up
and they are tossed around.
I feel it is a representation of what she is feeling inside.

I believe she had feelings for Dr. Aziz, but this was Imperial
times and racism as well as sexual repression kept her from
acknowledging the fact. When she came face to face with herself
in the cave it scared her so badly she tried to run away from it and
started the "avalanche" of events.

Great movie !


You are all crazy. If I ever make a movie I'm going to make it four hours long, starring all British actors. That way, even if it stinks(and this film most certainly did), people like you will think it's brilliant.





This movie is at best OK. If you read the novel you will see how this film barely touches the themes.
