MovieChat Forums > Red Dawn (1984) Discussion > Our country if Trump and Putin get their...

Our country if Trump and Putin get their way

I find it odd how this used to be considered a right-wing film and now the right-wing President is opening the back door for Putin to stroll in while the supporters are saying "it's okay, jump on board the Trump train into the camps, Trump knows what's good for us, if he says Putin lording over us is awesome - it must be awesome!!!!" While, also claiming, to be nationalists (maybe not knowing that means being for the US rather than for the USSR). This has become a very relevant left-wing film of the fears revolving around Trump's new Ameri-Russian regime.


You lost.America won.


If that traitor trump gets into the White House, America is finished. And to think, the Russians didn't have to parachute in with troops. So, should Trump get in us true patriots are going to have to clear house and we'll start with rat scum like you. A bullet to the back of the head should do nicely for commie traitors like you.


Snowflake, no need to threaten.You can still use whatever bathroom you identify with at the moment.I am a N.R.A. life member and a U.S.Navy veteran.Oh and all deplorable.So come on when you feel skippy.


Well he did get in the WH, he had to clean up the fucking mess that piece of shit Obama left us. Go suck a horse dick you liberal fuck...


Well, since the Russians are no longer communist and the USSR/"Evil Empire" no longer exists, it really shouldn't be that big a deal anymore. The US being friends with Russia is no different than being friends with any other capitalist country.

Reagan made deals with Iran's terrorist regime. The Bushes have been kissing up to the Saudi Royal Family. Every President has kissed up to Red China since the Tienanmen Square massacre. We've let the Japanese, Chinese, and Arabs (among many others) come into America to buy up influence and loot the country, all with our industries being gutted and our infrastructure crumbling. All of this has been going on for decades without so much as a peep from the so-called "patriotic" crowd who are soooooo concerned about Russia now.




I still don't get where this idea Trump and Putin would be allies. This is the Russian dossier the Dems sold to America and stupid people actually bought it.


And unfortunately the stupid people are in large numbers here. The denial of the Left is astounding..


Today, the militia types and gun nuts might back Putin instead. Just to own the libs.


As a militia type and certified gun nut, let me say you're wrong. Putin is doing exactly what Hitler is doing and conservatives hate what he's doing. Putin is emboldened by the senile cuck wandering around and crapping his diapers in the White House.

China is watching, and Taiwan is next. The world is far dangerous now that Trump is gone.

But thank God for no mean tweets.


"The world is far dangerous now that Trump is gone."

The same guy kissing Putin's ass by calling the invasion smart and that he's a genius? Hell, Trump was confused about who was even fighting in Ukraine during a live interview until Ingraham corrected him.


So what's our current flaccid pos "president" doing?..


“He’s [Putin] taking over a country for $2 worth of sanctions. I’d say that’s pretty smart.”

LOL, that's what you got out of that? Sounds like a swipe at flacid Joe.


Your comprehension is low.


The same guy kissing Putin's ass by calling the invasion smart and that he's a genius? Hell, Trump was confused about who was even fighting in Ukraine during a live interview until Ingraham corrected him.

In 2023, Biden confused Ukraine with Iraq. Earlier this month, he confused Ukraine with Gaza.

You're welcome.


Trump would be the first person to run and hide, claiming he was too important to do anything. He thinks only of one thing. Himself. Nobody fears Donald Trump, they realize he is a capitalist pansy. And I love capitalism. Putin was in cahoots with Trump. Because Trump is weak. One great bit hotel in Moscow, and Kyiv, he would be set for life. Hence the weakness in capitalism.


Putin was in cahoots with Trump.

No, that was Hillary..

Funny how before Trump was elected, leftards all screamed he was a madman who would start WWIII. Now that Putin (and soon Xi) is running roughshod over that ineffectual impotent Biden, Trump is a coward. Because Putin, emboldened by Biden's catastrophic exit from Afghanistan, invaded Ukraine with perhaps his best exit strategy is to use tactical nukes to avoid a total defeat, the world is closer to a nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Stop making sense


And instead of helping, Trump asks Putin for more dish on Biden. Trump is clearly not in America's corner. He is in his own corner. An egotistic maniac who feels a camaraderie with another egotistic mania who invaded Ukraine.

Trump setup the exit from Afghanistan by giving the Taliban a level of respect. He agreed to meet with them. And even discussed bringing them to Camp David. As if they were legitimate.

Donald Trump is the worst thing to happen to America.


Can't read that NY Times hit piece without signing up, and I don't intend to.

Even Dems are shaking their heads over the disastrous exit from Afghanistan including the abandonment of Americans there.

Wasn't Trump. Your TDS is in its final stages.




You're a fucking moron.Thank God liberals are so stupid. How that mumbles mother sitting his pants retard Joe Biden working out? Happy with $5 gallons of gas.


The hurts!
