MovieChat Forums > Revenge of the Nerds (1984) Discussion > Something that has always bothered me...

Something that has always bothered me...

During the nerd party scene right before the Alpha-Betas crash it, Poindexter ponders a question: "...would you rather live in the ascendancy of a civilization or during its decline?"

I was a cognizant child when this movie first hit the theaters. I remember thinking to myself that I am currently living in the ascendancy of the United States. It was the 80's for Christ's sake! I figured the decline of the United States wouldn't be for a few hundred years.

Wow, the state of the US sure has changed since the 1980's. I now feel as if I am living in the decline of the United States! And this wasn't even supposed to happen for a few hundred years.

Poindexter couldn't contemplate someone living in both the ascendancy AND decline of a civilization. But that's exactly my situation.


80s were great, 90s were great, and them boom the entire demographic and humor of the country changed.


That happens every single generation. I'm sure people who grew up on The Odd Couple and The Graduate thought that 80s and 90s comedies represented a change in humor for the worse.
