
Makes Superman 3 and 4 look like genius.


A bit extreme?


Not for imdb. On here, people think in terms of 1's and 10's.


Why do you say "move" and not "movie"?


Worst movie EVER?? Even if you have seen 1000 movies in your life, you're saying that this is the worst movie you have ever seen? I mean really? :)


It's not even the worst superhero movie. It's current rating is ahead of Man-Thing, The Return of Swamp Thing, RoboCop 3, Superman IV, Batman and Robin, Catwoman, and Steel.

I liked it. Not great, but there are worse ways to kill an hour or two.


Superman 4 was worse. I actually saw both of these crappy movies at the theater.


how is it the worst movie ever

you clearly don't watch that many movies lol

there are thousands of tv and straight to dvd movies released every year that are far beyond bad


Agreed. The assumption falls flat on its face.

Haven't these people seen even ONE episode of MST3K?

Quien es mas Sherlock?

Hombre de Hierro


Doctor Extraño


Makes Superman 3 and 4 look like genius.

Actually I'm opposite. As cheesy as Supergirl is, somehow I thought it was better than Superman 3 and especially 4! Just wish more things had been explained throughout, and that Superman had made an appearance.


Superman 3 & 4 were both awful. All of the Batman flicks post-Returns/pre-Dark Knight were inane. Catwoman (still don't understand the point, since they told her story better in "Batman Returns"), Daredevil, the original Captain America, the unreleased Fantastic 4, the Hulk and Spider-Man TV movies, Generation X (with Matt Frewer badly channeling Jim Carey).... I could go on and on listing superhero films which were infinitely worse than Supergirl.

That's not to say it's perfect because it's certainly not. The pace is plodding (to say the least) and Kara's character rarely rises above two-dimensional (no disrespect to Slater, as the problems were in the writing, not with her performance) but there's plenty of memorable moments, great special effects (many of which hold up remarkably well) and a tour-de-force performance by Dunaway (which is best seen in the full scenery-chewing 138 min version). Should note that if you've only seen the US version prior to its 2000 DVD release, there was a substantial chunk of story removed.

There are plenty of films I could easily label "the worst," and plenty of Godawful missteps in the superhero film genre, but while this might not be the best of 'em, it's not the worst by a longshot.



The thing that bothered me the most was the lack of back story. They wanted Supergirl to stand on its own rather than as a spin off of Superman(kinda hard to do when the main character flies with a cape and an S on her chest), but they could have at least said at some point that Argo was a city on Krypton that was somehow sent to another dimension when Krypton exploded.



The movie is bad, but definitely not the worst. It's one of those films that could have been better, The producers and director made Supergirl look pretty dumb. To give the film credit, the film did have some pretty good effects, a great score, and it was also great to see what the Phantom Zone looked like



Now, while I am NOT defending this movie one bit.... it is unadulterated trash... it is not the worst movie ever. Its right up there, but I am one of those gluttons that seek out trash 'for a good time' (lol) and while one could pluck many a moment to stake its claim(it tried REALLY REALLY hard) its truly not awful enough to win this one. Consider yourself lucky if this is the worst in your world. Perhaps you have been spared heh


Probably slightly better than Superman III, definitely better than IV though which is awful in every possible way, I think Supergirl is very flawed but still has its moments, including the gorgeous Helen Slater. To be honest I think I'd rather watch this than Man of Steel.
