MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > Sarah more attractive here or in T2?

Sarah more attractive here or in T2?

Though she is cute in this one, wasn't a fan of the hair (nor was Linda) but I kinda prefer her look in T2, and to me she doesn't look too muscular at all in the second one, I don't mind a little muscle on a woman.

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours



This one...but it might have something to do with her being all psychologically messed up (not judging) in T2

Administrators think they are the Dexter of IMDB





What's the reason? Just curious.

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours


I thought she was in better shape and her legs looked great when she was wearing that short gown in the deleted Kyle Reese scene. She could break into my house and take advantage of me anytime.


She isn't cute in this one. She has chubby cheeks, a big mouth, wears mom jeans, and has the worst hair I've ever seen.
Only her hooters are worth a look.


She isn't cute in this one. She has chubby cheeks, a big mouth, wears mom jeans, and has the worst hair I've ever seen.
Only her hooters are worth a look.
Seriously? She is not fat or overweight in this movie. With the way you're talking you probably think Anjelina Jolie is the most attractive woman right now with her balemic looking body.

Green Goblin is great!


she's way more feminine and girly in this movie and that is way sexier than psychologically messed up butch looking lady in T2... to me anyway


Sexy? What turns you on most, the pouffy hair or the mom jeans?


What turns you on the most? The camo pants or the "ready to shoot your face" look?


If you can't get turned on because a woman has a perm or where the waistband of her jeans lies...the issue is yours, sorry to say.

Now, this is a signature gun, and that is an optical palm reader.


Her lips. And, that was 80's hair.


I liked her looks in both.

"Last week?!? The school burnt down six years ago"-Mr. Strickland (Back To The Future Part II)


Way more attractive here no doubt.


T1 because she actually had womanly curves, and fat, nothing wrong with that as long as it's in the right place, muscle on woman destroys and shrinks their boobs and butt, like her in T2, who cares about hair and clothes in T1 do we stick our dicks in clothes or hair?


