MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > Am I the only one that sees this as supe...

Am I the only one that sees this as superior to T2?

I love Arnold as a bad guy and I just love the horror movie aspect of it rather than the heavy action of the second one. I connect more with the characters here too


No, I find it to be superior as well.

T2 is amazing, but I really like the low-budget horror movie feel that the first one has.

I also think the acting is superior in the first one as well. Michael Biehn is so good, and so convincing. My favorite part of his is where he telling Dr. Silverman about the future. It's so intense. Arnold is better, IMO. He's not a huge superstar yet, so it's more about the character than trying to work in dialogue for him.

The side characters better, IMO. Bill Paxton and the punks, Lance Henriksen, Earl Boen (Dr. Silverman) ect.

I like action set pieces better as well. Tech Noir, The police station massacre, the finale with the Terminator fully revealed , ect.

Love T2, but I love the first one even more.


Did you know that the original plan was to cast Biehn as the T-800 and Arnie as her champion? The original vision was to have a huge human being like Mr. Olympia being tossed around by a much smaller, but MUCH stronger, being. Not a bad idea at all; but then Jim Cameron showed why he woukd become one of cinema’s best storytellers. He switched the actors, thereby making the story even more dramatic and the Biehn character even more sympathetic. It was now an Overkill struggle. Moreover, Biehn is a much more plausible lover for Sarah than Arnie. Brilliant switch. Having said that, I love both films, but am far more moved by T2. Cameron now had the huge T-800 getting ass-whipped by the much smaller, not to mention Protean, T-1000. He took the strong-as-a-truck symbolism that he linked to the T-800 in T1 and stood the audience’s expectations on its collective head. That’s great storytelling. And I get the points about the much bigger budget and the set pieces, which are not, in and of themselves, flaws, just differences from T1. And I get the point about unleashing, or rather, “introducing” Edward Furlong upon the world. But here is my point: In T1, the T-800 is a monster. Yes, he IS horrible. “It can’t be reasoned with. It can’t be bargained with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse; and it absolutely WILL NOT STOP*EVER!*UNTIL SHE IS DEAD!!!” The T-800 starts T2 the same, only in the service of John Connor, until a miracle happens. John teaches The Terminator how to be human. He BECOMES human. He learns trust. He even learns humor. He passively sacrifices himself for the good of a species of which he has become a member. He doesn’t die in combat. He goes quietly into that good night, greater love than which no person has. T1 is a legendary action/science fiction movie, one of many based on the works of mad old Phil Dick. T2 is an inspiration. Sadly, there are many fractured people in the world whose life experiences have prevented them from becoming whole. If The Terminator can become fully human, so can they.


Did you know that the original plan was to cast Biehn as the T-800 and Arnie as her champion? The original vision was to have a huge human being like Mr. Olympia being tossed around by a much smaller, but MUCH stronger, being.

No, the original plan was to cast Schwarzenegger as Reese, an idea that Cameron didn't like, because he figured he would have to find someone even bigger than Arnold to play the Terminator. In other words, the opposite of what you claimed. Biehn was never considered for the role of the Terminator. Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson were offered the role, and they turned it down. The studio suggested O.J. Simpson but Cameron didn't want him for the role. Lance Henriksen may have been considered for the role, as he was dressed up as the Terminator when Cameron pitched the movie to Hemdale, but that was before anyone had been considered for the role of Kyle Reese.


I think that they both have better moments than each other, but I don't see either as superior. If anything were to tip the scales towards T2 it would simply be Linda Hamilton.


Don't agree on the Linda Hamilton part. she's just too overboard in this movie for me. In the first we see her develop from clueless young woman who struggles to balance her cheque book to feisty and strong mother of the future leader of the resistance by the end of the movie.
For me the Terminator is a far superior movie than T2 which was a jokey let Arnie be the good guy movie.


I do think that anyone can transform themselves in the amount of time in between the two movies. I didn't think that it was too much. If I was told that I would have a child that would lead the resistance to save humanity, I would hope that I would transform myself as well.

I think that the first one is a fantastic movie no doubt, but I appreciate strong female characters like Sarah Connor or Ellen Ripley.


Ellen Ripley is indeed a strong character.
Sarah Connor too. I just feel she was overboard in T2. I felt she was a better overall character in the Terminator. Looking forward to seeing her in the new Terminator movie.


Arnold's Terminator was not that jokey in Terminator 2. Sure there's the scene where John teaches him how to talk and has him say a few silly things. But it's certainly not on the level of Terminator 3 where almost every line and scene with the Terminator was silly. Also I like the first 2 movies equally. I do somewhat favor the 2nd since it's the first movie that made me cry. As a kid my parents had me watch both the first and 2nd (It was 1992 so the 3rd was years away from being made) since I was obsessed with Terminators because of the action figures advertised on TV. Anyway, I never liked the first one as much as a kid because I preferred Arnold as the good guy. I also don't think I liked Reese as a kid. He was too angry and it turned me off. As I grew older I came to like the first as much as the 2nd but as a kid, not so much.


Only idiots, most of whom are younger than the dipshit kid who played John Connor in T2, think that T2 is better than The Terminator.


Only old men who are old enough to remember when The Terminator first came out can't accept that Terminator 2 is the far superior film and i bet they don't even know who Bobby Budnick is


Don't agree.
T2 is indeed a blockbuster movie, but is not as good as the original


T2 is a movie you see coming on and just plan to watch for a few minutes and end up staying the whole 2 hours. T1 is a movie you plan on watching the whole thing but leave after a few minutes to play Nintendo


I see it the other way around actually.
T2 is a kiddy popcorn movie about a boy and his pet robot


The scene where the T-1000 kills John's Step Dad and the Twins from Gremlins 2 are way more disturbing than anything out of any 1980's Horror Movie. I grew up watching all the horror movies i could take in and watching Troma movies but T2 was the only movie ever where i had to close my eyes for certain scenes. It might not be as child friendly as you assume


I assume nothing. It was a kids movie.


Well if T2 is for kids then T3 is for gays


I think it is the best of the entire run. I like that it is kind of gritty and dark. They get too wrapped up in the special effects in the sequels and it doesn't feel the same.


You are definitely the only one. It's not just 'seeing' it as superior, "The Terminator (1984)" _IS_ in all possible ways and levels that a movie can be, superior to any and all so-called 'sequels' and most other movies as well.


I prefer the first one despite it being obviously being very low-budget. T2 was already becoming a lampoon of the franchise with Arnold overdoing his self-parody shtick. To me it severely gave it a G-rated "Brady Bunch" episode feel.


I prefer this one over T2.


Not the only one. I can't stand T2. It's the discount warehouse takeoff of The Terminator. It could have been a Hallmark film. I never even bothered with the rest of the series after seeing T2.
