MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > The Terminator inconsistency...

The Terminator inconsistency...

When he crashed the police car into the wall there, he disappears when the police show up. He then goes to a motel and fixes himself up before going back to the police station.

Why did he do this? We see him multiple times take on the police and especially since Sarah was right there I find it odd that he chose to abandon mission at that time.

I don’t think it’s about repairs either as we see these machines fighting on until they just skeletons.


I forgot if I mentioned this small detail about this whole thing, but when you look at things in this movie, it seems IMPOSSIBLE that the robot could've disappeared so quickly, so silently and completely unnoticed by the rapidly approaching SQUAD of COPS.

I mean, these police should've seen exactly what happened - at least SOMEONE would've noticed some big entity exiting a recently crashed car and running away (or whatever the robot did).

It's just a really stupid, ridiculous movie trope, especially in horror movies, where 'nonsensical things HAVE to happen for the movie to be able to continue'. I hate when movies cheat like this, and so many movies cheat a LOT. Something is always shown to be very close, and in the next scene, they're much further away, or we're shown a close-up of someone, so they can be surprised by things that SUDDENLY appear from offscreen, when in reality, they would've been able to SEE EVERYTHING LONG BEFORE those things can come close enough to even attack them, and they couldn't have been surprised by them (E.T. does this just before the big group of kids start flying, the kid excitedly screams something like 'We did it' just before it happens. WHY does he not see a big group of people RIGHT NEXT TO HIM?? It makes no sense, but movies always cheat this way).

I wish movies would at least stop cheating like this, and making the 'impossible happen easily just because it's offscreen'.


In reality he would be seen as he exits his car and some cops would break of and peruse the terminator. They could have mentioned those cops were killed in pursuit off screen and were 1 day away from retirement or something.


The fifth film in the Bourne franchise? Seriously....I don't have any comment until I watch it again. I'm guessing they had booked the hotel room for the filming, and didn't want to waste money?
