MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > What the heck is 'nuclear fire'? "Rising...

What the heck is 'nuclear fire'? "Rising from the ashes" makes no sense

Thinking about it, what is it? There are 'nuclear reactions' (though a lot of it might be just a hoax, based on how fake the 'footage' looks, how impossible it would be to prove whether nuclear explosion exists or not, so it's a matter of BELIEF in the 'official story', and so many other dubious things..

- the brilliance of this 'superweapon' that no one ever dares to use for some reason, although they used it safely in Japan, and the whole country is fine, Nagasaki and Hiroshima are booming cities full of life - so what's the problem with using them again? Why didn't they use them in Vietnam??

If you can detonate them 'in the air' in a safe way when it comes to radiation (another invisible thing we're supposed to just believe), then why not always use them in wars instead of the less efficient stuff?

It's akin to using bow and arrows in the modern times instead of guns and using spears instead of fighter jets... makes no sense. But somehow it makes sense that we use 'conventional', inefficient weapons although we all have the 'nukes' that have already been supposedly used safely in Japan)

..then there's fire.

Fire has nothing to do with nuclear reactions. Nuclear reactions are not the same as fire.

What the !@&%#* is 'nuclear fire'? Can anyone explain? Anyone?

Also, ashes? Why does it matter WHAT fire created the ashes? Why would they build terminator and other machine factories INSIDE THE ASHES? Are they trying to create some kind of 'phoenix'-effect? Why would Skynet care whether there are ashes where it plans to build factories or not?

Are we to think that Skynet sent drones all over the place after some big fire (still can't understand what 'nuclear fire' is supposed to mean) and then only accepted locations where the perimeter is sufficiently ashes-filled, to then build the factories INSIDE the ashes?!


The alternate theory is that they built the machines normally, then spread them all over the place, THEN gathered a huge amount of ashes, meticulously covered each machine in ashes so they could then AND ONLY then be activated, JUST SO they could 'dramatically rise from the ashes' to terrify the humans? WHAT?!!

Who the heck wrote the intro text? Nuclear fire? Rising from the ashes? Did they ask some kindergartener to write a 'cool, poetic description' or what? Did someone actually get PAID for writing _THAT_?!


Hey, how about you stop spamming these boards with your ‘waste of time’ troll posts, each one deleting forever the legacy iMBD threads that this site is trying to preserve.


"each one deleting "

is it ?
or is it "adding to" ?


I’m assuming it’s like the old iMDB boards where there is limited space and new threads would knock out older ones.


Nuclear Explosions exist , dont be a "holocaust denier" .

I am of course referencing the fact that the word holocaust doesn't exclusively refer to the bad time the jews had in the 40s before anyone starts


I always saw that line as a cool foreshadowing of the scene at the end when the T-800 endoskeleton rises from the fire of the exploded truck as Kyle & Sarah are embracing.
