MovieChat Forums > The Emerald Forest (1985) Discussion > A bit unrealistic portrayal of tribal li...

A bit unrealistic portrayal of tribal life

Great film! A visual feast and has an important message. But I must say that some things about the tribal people seemed a bit unrealistic to me.

First, the life of the Amazon Indians looked like some endless ritual, there was very little ordinary, mundane interaction shown, the people were constantly dancing, singing, howling or doing drugs. On this point, Apocalypto (2006) or At Play in the Fields of the Lord (1991) were way more realistic.

As the second unrealistic thing, I must mention the women. Those young, nubile, full-breasted, well-shaved jungle girls. Almost all the women of the tribe were young girls, I recall only one older woman being shown. I don't know if the director intended to create an image of paradise with these girls, or was it that he just couldn't find any other extras for his film.

Also, the plot of the film seemed hurried, I think the film should have been an hour longer. Especially the meeting between Tommy and his mother could have been shown in more detail.

But still, great stuff.


Who is to complain about all the Those young, nubile, full-breasted, girls? I didnt notice any "well shaved" girls though.


As for the abundance of young people in the movie, you do understand that
the lifespan for indigenous people in jungle climates is very young, don't
you? Children born in such environments go through a very difficult time
even just staying alive. Babies are still born, don't survive fevers or
jungle-borne illnesses. Children are killed by snake and insect bites,
attacks by animals, drowning, so many ways.

I would not surprise me to find that the fictional age of Wunadi was mid-40s,
Urluhi early-to-mid 30s.

Among the Fierce People, I don't really recall many, if any, old people.
Cannibalistic tribal people frequently succumb to disease associated with
eating other human beings.

And then, the adults are subject to the same predators that the children
are, as well as the poisonous fauna including snakes, scorpions, and so

Charlie may have been as young as 13 or 14 when he took Kachiri for his

It's a difficult life in the jungle, I'm sure. Not many people live to
be elders.


We're there Amerindian tribes known for cannibalism? I only know of the papuans in png, but melanesians and Polynesians were not cannibals.


1 of them isn't even native but a famous bold star from the Philippines.


A "bold" star?


An actress or actor known for primarily doing nude and x-rated films.


I used to love this movie, but I have to admit it is pretty unrealistic. You certainly aren't going to find villages full of Playboy bunnies in the Amazon. More like these women.
