MovieChat Forums > Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) Discussion > Why did Tina Turner let Mad Max go?

Why did Tina Turner let Mad Max go?

I guess she thought he was equal to her. Althought it didn't make much sense after that chase.



I guess she thought he was equal to her. Althought it didn't make much sense after that chase.

He wasn't the one she was chasing. And it can be argued that leaving him to die in the desert is not exactly mercy.

We figure he'll survive, because he's Max ... but still.


I think she let him survive for a different reason. Like I was watching this show about gangsters with my niece and we got to the part where Arnold Rothestien gets killed and the show talks about how at the hospital Rothestien wouldn't say who killed him. My niece didn't get why he wouldn't say and I explained to her that at that point it didn't matter. He was gona die anyway whether the cops caught the guys or not so I guess he didn't want to be bothered. Same thing here I think. Aunty wanted to stop Max from taking Master away. We'll in the end he did it. At that point it didn't matter if she killed Max. It wouldn't have gotten her anything. All she would have is a few less bullets and his dead body. And that's why she let him live



Aunty wanted to stop Max from taking Master away. We'll in the end he did it. At that point it didn't matter if she killed Max. It wouldn't have gotten her anything. All she would have is a few less bullets and his dead body. And that's why she let him live

This. Master had already gotten away, killing Max would have made no difference now.

"I'm the ultimate badass,you do NOT wanna f-ck wit me!"Hudson,Aliens😬


This. Master had already gotten away, killing Max would have made no difference now.

Yea, just like in The Road Warrior after they saw that sand was in the tanker, they turned and left Max alone. They just wanted the gas.

"Men like you don't die on toilets." Mel Gibson-Riggs, Lethal Weapon


If she wanted him to suffer she would have shot him in the foot or something. Plus he's Mad Max, of course he'll survive the desert



he reminded her or herself, when she saw him she said, "well, ain't we a pair, raggedy man", she enjoys giving him opportunities to struggle, essentially controlling his fate, from the thunderdome to banishment to being left to die, it's a game between them, we saw that with humungus too, he could also be conversed with and offered terms and never tried to kill max (he kamikazeed the truck because no one could stop it) he only wanted the fuel like Tina only wanted the master

"how's a fella go about gettin' a holt of the police?" -Karl


Leaving him to die and suffer within in the story makes sense.

Although since Mad Max is such a survivor, seemed like a free pass in my eyes



I just saw it as a level of respect. Early on when Tina is talking about Bartertown she say's she'll do anything to protect it. At the end of the movie Max does a self sacrifice to protect the kids, essentially doing "anything" like she would. I feel the "Ain't we a pair..." line alludes to this. Plus at that point he was no threat to her anymore.


I think it's kind of like Hannibal Lector said to Jody Foster... "The World's more interesting with you in it."



Begrudging respect.
