MovieChat Forums > Spies Like Us (1985) Discussion > The most underrated comedy ever?

The most underrated comedy ever?

The scene when Chevy is about to have his fingers cut off is one of my absolute favorite comedy scenes.

Spies Like Us was the last great film Ackroyd and Chase made before they "stopped being funny."


One of my Fav comedies of all time.

You cant beat the test scene and the Doctor Doctor Scene.

Highly under rated.


i absolutely love when Chase is trying to cheat on the test. he walks in with a fake arm in a sling and an eye patch then fakes having a heart attack. im literally cracking up just typing about it.


This is my sister. You can all have her.


I hear she's very good.


I was born in '84 and grew up on this movie. It's probably the single most quoted movie among my brothers and me. So much fun. Won't you gentlemen have a Pepsi?


I think 6.3 (which the score for this film at the time of posting, before some kid on a hoverboard in 2020 thinks of correcting me) is a generous score. I gave it a 5 but that's only because I've got a lot of time for Chevy Chase after watching Fletch.

As another poster said, the film tails off quite considerably. For me, it was when they entered the mountains and encountered the Russians.

Chevy Chase and Dan Ackroyd were fine together but never hit any spectacular heights, which I think they could have with a better script.


I love this movie and I think it deserves more love than it has gotten, but I don't know about it being the most underrated comedy ever. It has some hilarious moments but they're mostly near the beginning. Once they're finished with their training and actually set out on their mission it goes downhill and gets a lot less funny. There are still laughs but they're much more spread out and it starts to take itself more seriously as an espionage/techno-thriller than a movie of this type probably should. There's a little too much Aykroyd-babble and not enough of Chase's dry comedy.

"Dan Marino should die of gonorrhea and rot in hell. Would you like a cookie son?"


Underrated? I'd say it's overrated. I read so much hype about this movie that I finally saw it today. Only 2-3 scenes in the movie were actually funny (exam cheating, doctor-doctor greetings & interrogation). Rest of the movie was just meh!

I gave it 5/10.. then again, that's just my personal opinion. I'm sure it's the most hilarious movie ever for somebody else.
