MovieChat Forums > The Toxic Avenger Discussion > Toxie's Girlfriend.... Would You Hit It?

Toxie's Girlfriend.... Would You Hit It?

I know I would, provided she didn't hit me first with her cane and kill my desire...

"My GF is Bi-Sexual, Buy Her Something, she gets real Sexual"



Without a doubt,would love her to hit me with her cane..


ha, my friend and i were talking about how hot we thought she was hot the other night when were watching it


I would


I would hit Toxie's girlfriend, Julie and Wanda.


id hit toxie, then his girlfriend!!!

All right everybody, drop your tacos or I'll blow your brains out



Yes... yes I would


Nah, i don't like girls. I like Toxic Waste Monsters.

Melvin was a 90lb weakling until nuclear waste transformed him into...


Hell yes!!! She's a gorgeous blond with a nice ass pretending to be blind, who would even ask this question???

"Cry me a river, build a damn bridge, and make your way across."


i'd do everything to sara. i don't care what she lookes like. I'D WRECK THAT CHICK


i wouldn't hit her i just want eat her where she poops and then have sex with her
you know what the next time that you have a thought just let it go


If she wasn't dating Toxie I would, because:
A)I have the utmost respect for Toxie.
B)To tell you the truth, I like all my inner organs where they are.

"Hail to the king baby."

My Movies



"I'd like to cornhole me a blind b!%ch!"


oh yeah!


I always wanted to cornhole me a blind bitch!


grow up

she is a very beautiful lady, but this thread is whack


I would not mind doing her at all!


Yeah, i fully agree... in all places possible


She was hot too!!!!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


'always wanted to cornhole me a blind bitch'

$29.50, let it hurt.
-Wyatt T.


HELL YEAH I WOULD DO HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Agreed. She was so sexy, so sweet, so innocent, and best of all, very non-judgemental.

I'm so old school, they tore the school down!


I am glad that you agree with me on her! I have to agree with your last comments about Toxie's girlfriend! She was so sexy, sweet, so innocent, and best of all very non-judgemental!

Those are the qualities that I look for a woman myself!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I am glad that you agree with me on her! I have to agree with your last comments about Toxie's girlfriend! She was so sexy, sweet, so innocent, and best of all very non-judgemental!

Those are the qualities that I look for a woman myself!

good luck with that, ;)...

*If you are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror*


Thanks that is if she actually exhists you know. It is hard to find a woman with good qualities these days that you know you can trust and she will be by your side through thick and thin.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


aww I know how you feel. But, they do exist. Heck Im one of them :) But its that way for girls too. There are sooo many guys out there, but some of them may not have a lot of those qualities, and honestly if they do have awesome qualities, they may not be that good looking :(

So not to get out of topic, but:

I hope you do find a nice girl, who will love you, and be by your side. God has a partner for everyone. Just keep yourself positive be true to yourself & hang out where the good girls are (no bars or clubs) and you'll be fine :)

*If you are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror*


Looks are not everything though SilentScreamz that is what I was told because you could be with someone who looks great but they do not have a personality at all or they could be a jerk. They have everything that you are looking for but the thing is that they have the worst attitude.

That is what several people have told me is that I need to get out and go to church and meet some people or go to social events. The problem is the last time I went to the church close to my apartment where I live all I saw were a bunch of people who are retired and if anyone was my age they were pretty much married with kids which sucks you know.

Yeah eventually I will get married to the right woman. I am 36 1/2 years old and how many people my age can say that they have never been married and do not have any kids at all? I bet not too many.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


You are so cool adding the '1/2' to your age :).
But honestly you are not that old. Everyone has their time. I had some ppl like that in my family too. So its really not rare. But GOD willing if you put yourself out there in the right environment you will find her. Maybe you should go to a different church?!?
I just turned 27 and some ppl say I should get married while others think its still young. For me Im seeing someone but he is kinda boring (which is a bummer). I mean when my mom was 27 she already had 3 kids. The only thing ive ever had close to a kid was a doll...So I believe everyone has their time. In my case Im just too immature so I dunno :(. In all honesty men/relationships are scary...

*If you are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror*


LOL Well thanks for thinking that I am cool for adding the 1/2 to my age! Well I sort of wanted to be married at a younger age so that when I retire I can enjoy it. My father is now 60 years old and when he got married to my mom he was 23 years old. My parents have been married happily for 37 years now. My father was 40 years old when my parents had my little sister who is now 20 years old and in college. Yes I know if I put myself in the right environment I shall find the woman of my dreams. Yeah I should possibly try a different church and see what happens with that. You are not that old but everyone I think matures faster than others you know.

I think everyone is different when it comes to on when they are going to get married. Me I am not finacially stable yet to get married because I can barely survive trying to take care of myself and if I was to get married it sure would be tough trying to take care of a wife unless she also is bringing in an income to help out. Sorry to hear your man is boring. Have you tried to spicen things up with him? I mean I might be boring because I love to go to dinner and a movie. It all depends because I do not want to take a woman out to a bar or a club to go dancing and have guys hitting on her you know. Plus, a part of what keeps things interesting is what happens in the bedroom.

I am trying to keep it clean here so that not to get into trouble you know. I will let your mind imagine and wonder. LOL Roleplaying is fun as well to do in the bedroom. LOL I have not done it myself but look forward to doing that when I am married with the right woman. I just do not want to do that with a stranger because there is no passion or love between two strangers you know. Well I think the times are different compared to when our parents got married because both men and women now a days seem to be brought up that you only take care of yourself and no one else. Independence you know or how many people that you can sleep with at one time. That is what I have noticed with todays dating world.

I have to admit as well I am immature and live like a slob so I am not perfect but I know that will all change once I do get serious with the right person. Yes todays dating world is complicated and messed up I think to be honest with you and it can be scary as well. I mean when you think you love someone and you give them your heart and they turn around and say they want to date or go out with other people it is hard you know.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


Hi, thanks for the advice :)
I was raised in a strict religious household where premarital relations were definitely just talking. My man is boring me because all we can do is talk and it cannot be sexual or even close to that nature. Not that I would even want to be. Im weird maybe?! I am with him because he is nice and honestly wont beat me,lmao at least I dont think so!!! Seriously!!!
I have had 'relationships' in the past with guys and they were very dirty minded or shady. SO I guess it kinda turned me off, because I was not used to that kind of stuff in person, only knew the sexual/romantic things from what I saw on tv. So with this guy he is boring and nonsexual so Im kinda used to that,lol.
We try to keep it clean because its the way we were taught. So you know its does get to be a drag. :(.
Why do you think you might be boring if you would like to go on a date consisting of dinner and a movie with someone? Not at all. Girls like that stuff...The guy Im with doesnt even know how to treat a girl (the way he maybe should). It kinda stinks, still debating on what to do with him.
My issue is that we are too nerds and perhaps what I see the guys do on tv with their girls makes me jealous. I think that stuff is what I should be getting in regards to 'love' I may be wrong in that.
But like I said Im immature about it :(
And yes I am so scared to give my heart to someone for the fear they may rip it up. I just want to be happy with someone (even if they looked like toxie,lol) is that too hard to ask for? :(

*If you are looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror*


You are welcome! I am not a expert because my love life is not really that exciting right now myself. LOL I hate to say that but it is the truth though. WOW I was brought up witha pretty strict Catholic beliefs myself! I was always brought up that you should wait until marriage to have sex but I lost that a long time ago due to a one night stand which really sucks. I have not really been in a relationship where the woman feels the same way about me as I do for her. That is the bad thing about it and I have always felt that I love to look at the woman in the eyes that I am making love to because I do not know what it is but just watching her in pleasure can be great and seeing her facial expressions as well. I am sorry to hear that all you and your boyfriend can do is just talk and it is boring to you. No you are not weird. It is possibly you do not feel in a sexual way attracted to him to where you would want to bond with him in a special way. I am trying to keep it clean here you know.

Yeah that is a good thing that he is nice and respectful to you and will not beat you which I am happy for you about that. That is good that you try to keep it clean but like I said it does not hurt to spicen things up to make it a little more interesting for you both you know. I am sorry to hear that it gets to be a drag for you. I am not sure but I am a romantic though and love to surprise the woman that I am with when I go to pick her up with a dozen of her favorite flowers, do something that we can both enjoy together like a romantic picnic and a romantic walk, there are so many other things that I could think about that I would love to do that is so romantic. I would not mind doing this and have always wanted to do this for a woman is send a dozen of her favorite flowers to where she works at or if she is in school send it to her there for her to receive with a love note and card. It would say when you get home there is a surprise awaiting for you! With love Rob! Then outside of the door when she gets home is a single flower for her with a note that says follow the path and it will lead you to something special.

As she would open the door up following the rose petals that are laying on the ground it will lead to where I am at with soft gentle romantic music playing and I am standing there at a candle lite dinner for two. After dinner I would take her to the bathroom where there is more candles and prepare for her a hot bubble bath. I will let you envision the rest and after the hot bubble bath a full body massage with massage oil, some strawberries with chocolate to dip the strawberries in and a bottle of champagne to drink. That is what I would do for that right woman.

Sorry to hear your man does not know how to treat you on how you should be treated. Yeah it would stink you know. No that is what a guy should do for you is a little romance but you do want to be careful of guys who try to wine and dine you because he just might want to do something else and that is it you know. Well I have given my heart to several women and know what you mean and understand totally. Once you get hurt you are like scared you know. It is not easy you know. That is just life because we have to take chances you know because what if the guy is the man of your dreams and you do not make that effort for him? You could lose the guy you know. Just being honest about it.

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


I totally would! But not after Toxie hit it. I think she would be contaminated or something like that.
