MovieChat Forums > Weird Science (1985) Discussion > Joss Whedon really hates this movie.

Joss Whedon really hates this movie.

While a lot of people happen to like this movie, a billion dollar director and writer, and general comic book enthusiast, by the name of Joss Whedon frankly detests it.

Article right here-
Actual quote-

"I hate Weird Science not a little," he said. "I find it offensive. The boy fantasy of building a girl. Obviously, we were doing the nasty version of it, because I find it grotesque."

To be fair, while the concept is juvenile and a teen boy's fantasy, Hughes did give the boy creation personality and didn't just have her pose for the camera every ten seconds. Give him credit for that.





Joss Whedon is the ideal male feminist: he assumes all men hold the same gross ideas about women that he secretly does.

Lo and behold, like most white knights he was found out to be a creep. And now his career is in the toilet. What a hypocritical ass.


People who say that kind of white-knighting shit always turn out to be gropey pervs, and sure enough that’s what Whedon was finally exposed as.
