Is she evil?

This woman is a guru to millions of housewives. She is a true moneymaking empire, capitalizing on her personal popular appeal across a wide spectrum of social media. With her ubiquity in magazines, books, tie-in endorsements, and TV interviews, one would think she was the omnipresent God Himself. Early sexual trauma made her a prime candidate for MKULTRA programming. She is a mammoth empire (in all senses of the word) carefully moving public opinion into particular desired directions. Nowhere is this more apparent than in her unapologetic endorsement of Obama before, during, and after his odious Administration. Quite a few of us began to see through the Obama ruse fairly quickly, and public figures who proclaimed messianic pretensions in Obama (Oprah anointed him "The One" in 08), deserve all the opprobrium they get for misleading the working class into backing that Trojan Horse. One wonders at the magick that must have been used to forge an Oprah Winfrey.


Dont forget that she has traumatized Stedman for life.


She frightens me.




The spawn of Satan!

