MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > Anyone like this less now?

Anyone like this less now?

Aliens is still a good movie, but the older I get, the more I’m drawn to the original Alien and Prometheus and see Aliens as more of a movie made for 14-year-olds; not to be taken in a bad way, but it just seems less sophisticated by comparison.


.... Prometheus?



I love ALIENS as much today as I did when I first saw it back in 1986. It's really a perfect sequel. The basics of ALIEN are all there, and it moves the story forward in a logical manner. If one xenomorph is scary, imagine the effect a bunch of them will have! Add to that a group of people who aren't taking the threat as seriously as they should, and the suspense/horror really gets ratcheted up. ALIENS is sublime.


Being primarily a Horror fan I have always preferred the original 1979 film over the more Action orientated sequel.

Aliens is a great film. Alien is one of the best ever.

Prometheus is also very underrated. Never understood the extreme hate some people have for it.


Nope. Still one of the greatest movies ever made.

"Alien" is a classic, haunted-house-in-space thriller that works as a drip-drip-drip increasing tension film.

"Aliens" is a turbocharged action thriller.

Two different movies.


I think Aliens is fantastic and so is Alien. They are both quite different in tone and even sub-genre so it's difficult to compare them properly.

Prometheus I don't put near either. I mean it's not a bad film per-se but it's still Ridley Scott crouching down and taking a crap on his original, so it has to be downgraded on principle.


I've never liked this one, it's just a too over-the-top action flick, while the first was a subtle suspense horror movie with characters that felt like real people.


Aliens is a great action flick. Alien is more cerebral.


Alien has a dark purity about it, it’s nihilistic and nasty, and portrays the universe as a place hostile to human life. The original ending had Ripley die in the escape shuttle just when she thought she was safe - the studio wrestled Ridley back from that one.

Aliens is more humanistic and hopeful. Cameron is much better with characters, he adds many new shades to Ripley and every new character is memorable and quotable. The aliens become bugs and less obviously phallic Geiger-demons, the fact that they’re relatively easy to kill diminishes the threat a little, but by the time you see the queen it’s all just too awesome. The character building, plot setups and suspense all lay the foundations for possibly the greatest last 40 minutes in cinema - a breathtaking rollercoaster and epic final conflict.

The sequel aggressively crapped all over Aliens, and Ridley’s prequels double-down on his alien life-cycle and try to negate Cameron’s additions, but they all fail to diminish Aliens’ position as the king, or queen, of the series.
