Pure trash!

This was not even a fun 80's flashback movie. I think the worst thing besides the screenplay was the acting by Tommy Lee Jones-this was the worst movie I think that I have seen him in! Must have needed the money.

Its dated-which is expected-car phones/cars etc usually that is the fun part for me but this one does not age well at all.

You have been warned!

3 out of 10.


The only thing about this movie that really bugs me is the Showtime Red-Shoe-Diaries-ish-soft-porn music that was used in some scenes.

Oh, and that hedgehog wig Nina was wearing when she stole that car.


I gotta agree with the OP. I thought it was boring and way too long.



Sure is. I liked the bit with stealing all of the cars from the valet parking lot of the fancy restaurant; there was a glimmer of cleverness and humor there that probably would have made a great scene if there had been anyone around who knew how to film one. But...that's it. The movie's so inept and flabby and horrendously scored that it's almost impossible to sit through. There's a car chase going the wrong way down a busy L.A. street, and they even manage to make that boring. What a waste.



Saw it for the first time today and I totally agree. Really bad movie, not sure why some people look back fondly at it. Actually one that would be much better remade today since at least the technical stuff would be on point with a similar budget. Even the usually brilliant TLJ is mediocre at best.


I just watched this for the first time, I look back with no nostalgia, no fondness, this movie kicks arse. I loved it. But I agree a remake would be sweet.

I think there are some movies out there that stole some ideas from this flick already.


Yeah; I remember local station re-running this on the weekends back in The 90s. It was great cheeseball entertainment, that featured real human beings doing shit that was at least mildly believable, rather than cape clad and tights Kryptonians and Norse Gods flying around the planet fighting off alien invaders. We could use more movies like BMR today


rather than cape clad and tights Kryptonians and Norse Gods flying around the planet fighting off alien invaders

Thats true , anythings better than that ^ shit
..but its a pretty low bar


Yeah, I'm not calling for a moratorium on superhero movies. These flicks have been around since the beginning of Hollywood. More variety than we've had since the late 10s would be a relief though


We could use like more movies as BMR
