MovieChat Forums > The Delta Force (1986) Discussion > Things i learned from The Delta Force

Things i learned from The Delta Force

This has been such a funny post on so many boards i had to throw in on the Delta force board. I'll start it out with a few quick ones.

1) Chuck norris is able to magically transform heavy steel barrels and beams into lightweight plastic ones in the event of a plane crash.

2) Standard delta force gear includes all black camoflage with WHITE climbing ropes and all black face paint, even if the mission will likely last through the next day.

3) This black camoflage is 100% effective, even when sneaking through city streets and fields of white cotton during the day (note this is probably due to the awesome effects of the white climbing ropes.)

4) Delta force dune buggies and motorcycles can teleport 50 meters from amphibious assault ships to the beach. Unfortunately delta force operators have to walk through the water.

5) Delta force members are so skilled that they don't need to look where they're shooting, or even point the gun in the proper direction. They only have to guess when several terrorists will run around a corner and fire in any direction to score several kill shots.

6) A single delta force member can rig a huge multistory school complex with enough explosives to totally demonlish the whole area in approximately 15 seconds.

7) Arab terrorists are required by law to say "Allah akbar" in every conversation, and once every minute in the event of a long conversation.

8) If a grenade explodes in a narrow corridor 2 feet from several people, only one person will be injured and that injury will only be a small wound to the leg.

9) US Navy personel tied up in a closed enemy truck will instantly know that "those are our guys, that's delta force," upon hearing gunfire.

10) Chuck norris's delta force motorcycle can easily sneak around while the motor is running without making a sound and can then jump through a window (note this may be due to the teleportation technology from #4).

11) The best way to kill a terrorist is to beat him up, break his arm, then move 10 feet away and wait for him to point a gun at you before firing the rear mortars of your motorcycle at him.

12) When you suspect a terrorist is hiding under a bed, instead of simply shooting through the bed or looking under it from a distance, you should walk slowly to the bed and pull the matress back allowing the terrorist a clear shot at you because this shot will be blocked by your bulletproof flashlight attachment. Then you can kill the terrorist with a blast of uzi fire.

13) Non english speaking terrorists can understand english if you simply point a gun at them/force them to put your gun in your mouth while you repeat simple words such as "officer . . . officer . . YOU!!" and "where are the americans . . . AMERICANS!?!" And will then be able to give you a detailed description in english of the location of any remaining hostages.

Those are just a few i thought of off the top of my head. This movie is so deliciously bad i'm sure we can come up with enough to rival the Cobra board.


this is hillarious! your comments rock!!!!! nice job mate!!!



"Actually, #9, in a realistic situation, might not be that far from the truth. Firearms have specific unique sounds, trained personnel use certain firing patterns, and the Delta Force often use fairly unique firearms. It is quite possible that a knowledgeable Navy man might recognize the sounds of a Delta Force strike as opposed to terrorists, Israeli, or British ... the other likely suspects in a firefight in that situation. "

I can go with that. And since he was a Navy diver, it not too far of a leap to think that he could've had some spec ops vis-a-vis SEALs, etc. SO, yea he could recognize.

"It is certain because it is impossible"



Damn you all to hell



You forget how a team of scuba divers can magically make an 8 foot ladder appear from nowhere in extreme situations. Chuck Norris can do anything!
That's what makes this movie so great XP



They had the parts for the ladder in the knapsack, remember? But here's something else about that. When they put the circular plastic explosives on the ceiling, how do they know there aren't any hostages right above it so when it blows up it would kill them?


The one most important lesson from this movie is...

Don't mess with Chuck, EVER. Don't mess with Chuck's friends... don't mess with Americans on Chuck's watch.

This is especialy true now that Lee Marvin isn't around to hold him back anymore.

propaganda=on IMDB, apparently any movie with Americans as the good guys


All good points (except for one), and a fun game.

However, people who've been in combat can easily tell the difference between one weapon and another, whether it be assault rifles or artillery. That one small part of the movie was plausible.

And of course no movie with Shelley Winters in it is so bad it's not worth watching.


The Main lesson after all has been said is this.....If it is truly a go, then you do indeed take 'em down!! RIP Mr. Marvin.

response time for 911 :4 minutes
response time for my 10 mm :1400 fps


Honda do an exciting line in both front and rear rocket launchers,with no targeting system required.Whoosh.Bang.Away you go.

Resident Gurnecologist


74) If you're the leader of a terrorist group who has a Navy hostage, the best way to show you are "serious" about your threats is to shoot said Navy hostage and then toss him out the side door, IMMEDIATELY followed by your right-hand man giving the peace sign to onlookers as your hijacked plane drives off. NOTHING is more bad a$$ than throwing up deuces to show you mean business.

75) When spotting a terrorist on a set of stairs who recognizes you've infiltrated his hideout, it's best to just watch him stop, turn around, and run up the stairs away from you instead of shooting him. He probably just realized he forgot his keys or needed to run to the restroom, so just let him go.

76) [75 Con'td] Once you realize that the terrorist you saw earlier on the stairs did indeed NOT forget his keys or have to use the restroom, but is instead alerting his terrorist buddies, you shouldn't rush in and try to stop him from warning the others. No, no...Instead, casually walk up to the room in which he is sitting, crack open the door, say "Hey," and kick him off his chair. That'll show him.

77) Whenever terrorists say they want to negotiate with you and ask you if you have heard them say so, it's best to just say "Loud and clear," and then shoot all the radio equipment. Good luck finding replacements for your outdated radio equipment at a Best Buy in Beirut, suckas!


mullets & full grown beards are a delta force requirement, middle age is not a problem either


Chuck Norris always believes being moustachioed in the past and then becoming bearded in the present is the best way to create a 'then and now' effect (see Missing in Action Films and Hero and the Terror for further examples)


The best way to watch "The Delta Force" is to take a drink and yell "*beep* Yeah!!" every time Chuck shoots, punches or kicks a terrorist...Also cut the sound and run the soundtrack to "Team America".


"response time for my 10 mm :1400 fps"

... and my guess is that you can also "(make) the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs"?



And your action picture would be perfect??

Inquiring minds want to know.


80)Terrorist army thinks that an exploding building is to scary,to risk going round it ,so it's easier to flee the scene :)


81)You can choke a man to death in 5 seconds.. or at least Chuck can :D


82)He's Chuck Norris, nuff said. The man developed his own martial art, he's that badass.



American special forces use handguns and suppressed Uzis exclusively. Forget about assault rifles, scopes etc.



97. When a women wants to show another woman a ring her husband got her on vacation. She will pull it off not with her hands, but with her mouth. Then she will spit it out in the other womans hand. SICK!

98. And this one I took to heart when I joined the US Army and was stationed in Germany.

If you're in the US military. You should take the time to get a US passport while living overseas. So if the plane you're on just got hyjacked by islamic terrorists and they start collecting passport to find out who's jewish. Then you can give them the passport and not you're US military ID. That way you don't get singled out as a memeber of the armed forces and get beaten half to death.

That scared the *beep* out of me, as it did other people in the Army. Because of that scene, many members of the Army had US passports with them just in case that happened.



