MovieChat Forums > Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Discussion > Why does ferris have the British flag on...

Why does ferris have the British flag on his door?

Why would an American do this? Seems a little odd to me...


the Union jack is an iconic image.

That is all.

Time for Frank D'Amico to go byebye.


In the 80's, it would have been a statement of individuality to put a british flag on your door.

There were a lot of british references in the movie. "I quote John Lennon. 'I don't believe in Beatles. I just believe in me.'"

And in general, it was cool to like British stuff.


"Why would an American do this? Seems a little odd to me.."

Because it was the cool thing to do, plus like most teens he loved good rock/pop music, and from 1965-1989, no country dominated popular music like Britain. For kids today, it might seem so unlikely, but during that period of time, the world domination musically of one small nation was unlike anything before or since, and will never be repeated.



I know what I would like to do with British flag.

Eat it?


What everybody else said and also, maybe he just found it at a garage sale or someone gave it to him or something and just stuck it on the door for the hell of it. Kids' rooms tend to have a rather eclectic decor.
I do not have attention deficit disor...Ooh, look at the bunny!


Maybe it had something to do with the British new wave music at the time.

"Don't worry, I'm a gun club member, I'm taking these rookies downtown".


From memory, there seemed to be many uk bands/singers on Ferris's wall. Simple Minds and Bryan Ferry being two of them.

Victims; aren't we all?



There was a British invasion going on then in music. Especially metal but "new wave" too. Think Def Leppard. The British flag was big in America in the 80's


John Lennon was his idol!



well, when I was growing up, I had a Union Jack on my bedroom wall, on the front of my car, and on my desk in my bedroom. And guess what, I'm an American who emigrated to the British Isles eight years ago because living in the States at that time was so bad (and to a point it still is but cool to go back and visit).

And by the way, to the earlier poster who said our monarchy was 'stupid' needs to pull his head of out his ass and put his dick (head) between his legs. If this pisses you off, who gives a *beep*


A lot of theories have been floated in this thread but unequivocally the only reason for the flag was the prevailing music scene. Everything in Ferris’ very well designed room is a tribute to British punk and new wave. And whoever said punks didn’t appropriate the Union Jack is dead wrong.
