
The theory of Sloane and Cameron having a thing even though she was with Ferris I think is absurd. The movie isn’t really a romantic movie and to me Cameron always had queer tendencies. Yea he might’ve been attracted to Sloane, who wouldn’t but he never acted attracted to women. He was more concerned with being proper and not having an Edge. If I had that house and that Car, that Cameron had you’d bet your ass I’d bringing every hot girl in the entire state to my house and Sloane would be no exception. He let Ferris take the Car, and take that girl while he watched. He went the entire trip without even trying to get tail. As much As I could root for him. His climax wasn’t just destroying that car but coming at his old man. I wasn’t impressed. At the very least he shouldve taken his own girl and he might’ve not overreacted as much. Ferris was no better for setting him up and not being able to control the situation and helping his desperate friend in agony.


I’m just curious, what would lead you to think, Cameron had “queer tendencies?” I’ve watched that movie 100’s of times over the last 35 years and never once got that vibe.


I gave various examples in my review.


Just because he wasn’t a player, doesn’t mean he’s gay.. I honestly thought you were joking with your reasoning.
The fact that you wrote you’d be bringing every hot girl to your house, leads me to believe you are really young. Anyway, agree to disagree, but I don’t think anyone will agree with your preposterous analogy, lol.


That was just one example.
I also said he didn’t come to her or anyone on his extravagant trip. All he did was piss and moan and let Ferris boss him around while he watched him get the hot girl he should’ve gotten had he had that fucking car! All he got in the end was to destroy that piece of shit and end up with an angry dad about to rip his ass! I didn’t mean just a player but if you were at any way straight do you think you’d let a smuck like Ferris go to your house tell you what to do, take your car, and watch him the whole time with this drop dead gorgeous girl and you not be angry, make a pass at her or try to steal her from him? He was way more concerned with his stupid car and fagot dad! Stupid Sheen in a matter of seconds without a house, a car, a future was making out with Ferris sister but Cameron being a bigger part of the film never got shit!


while he watched him get the hot girl he should’ve gotten had he had that fucking car!

It was established earlier in the film that Ferris and Sloane had been together for awhile, which was evidenced by a conversation between Ed Rooney and his secretary Grace. Further evidence is presented later in the film when Ferris and Sloane part company and she says "He's gonna marry me." Do you honestly believe that she would say that if they had only recently gotten involved with each other and this day was just some oh so special day that magically made her fall in love with him?

Also, in what world does having access to a classic sports car (Notice I said "access to" because he did not own that car) automatically entitle you to "get the hot girl?"

watch him the whole time with this drop dead gorgeous girl and you not be angry, make a pass at her or try to steal her from him

It's called a bro-code. There used to be a time when a certain type of man wouldn't try to steal their best friend's girl. They would find their own woman and be happy. Your wording leads me to believe that (as someone else said) you are young, and you have no respect for your friends (especially if they have a hot girlfriend that you want) and you do not respect relationships.


is "The theory of Sloane and Cameron having a thing " a thing?


a little.


What the fuck is this nonsense?


That is an excellent question!!


"He was more concerned with being proper and not having an Edge."

Yeah, especially in the restaurant lunch scene when he's going out of his way to offend the other patrons by deliberately lacking manners.

You're a total moron. No offense.



I dont remember him offending other patrons.


I'm happy to remind you

Watch from about 4:30 to the end


Closeted much?
