MovieChat Forums > Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Discussion > Trying to make sense of this movie makes...

Trying to make sense of this movie makes no sense.

Why would anyone expect any character in this movie to be realistic or what "would ACTUALLY happen in that situation?"

That makes no sense.



Seriously, that idiot created like 4 threads in about two hours basically bitching about the same thing in every one, & missing the whole point of the film!!

Someone has WAY TOO MUCH time on their hands!!


It wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the lengthy and sometimes incoherent rambling, along with the inclusion of perfectly acceptable film tropes as examples to prove his misguided points.


Boy, do I feel stupid. I sent money to the "Save Ferris" fund.


I just spent some time composing a 450 word post about how your sending money to the "Save Ferris" fund makes no sense, but then I realized someone else has already done the work for me. I didn't want to be redundant here, although I think these things need to be said.


My biggest fear is the $50,000 I recently sent to a Nigerian banking officer to help transfer $40M is a scam.


Perhaps you'd also be interested in some ocean front property in Nebraska?😍




I never liked the movie. It was the Zeitgeist of teenage youth culture in the 80s when Midwestern Upper Middle Class white teens were the epitome of youth culture. I just viewed Ferris as an entitled POS who thought he was clever because every adult in his wake was incompetent and stupid. It makes for a silly comedy at best, but nothing more.


Most everyone knows that and has known that since 1986.


What degree of realism do YOU require from a movie? What if one of the characters in FBDO could breath fire? What if one of the characters was a solid blue silhouette that only spoke in quotes from Wizard of Oz? Would you be fine with the realism of a character with more heads on them than can be shown on the screen at once?

Once a movie is not realistic does everything go? Or do you have a line as well?


All works of fiction require a suspension of disbelief to some degree. In general, I'm willing to suspend disbelief for premise of the movie/show. For example, it's impossible for the dead to reanimate as depicted in most zombie shows, but I can suspend disbelief for the sake of the story. However, I would not be able to accept that these zombies suddenly developed super powers and could fly and shoot laser beams from their eyes (unless that is the premise to begin with).

In Ferris Bueller's Day Off, the premise is that an out-of-control teen does outrageous things and gets away with it. I'm willing to suspend disbelief in so far as the character actions and motivations that occur within the movie that allow this premise to play out and enable the main character within that premise. Beyond that, anything defying the laws of physics or the laws of thermodynamics or anything extending into the supernatural would be out of place.


So someone having a problem with the parade scene doesn't make sense to you? No thermodynamic violation there. What if every door opened and the entire city danced in that parade? Every person in the city. No flying.

Suspension of disbelief within established grounds is fine and necessary. Complaining about the degree of sense allowed within those grounds is also fine. ... Unless you are one of those kinds that just needs everything to be funny no matter what the cost.


He was a social hacker and actual hacker before it became mainstream.


What? Like you NEVER skipped school and jumped on a parade float and belt out a Beatles tune with a dozen or so babes dancing around you? We all have.
