The Best Worst Movie ever made!!!

I actually saw this film in the theatre when it was released. It made an impression on me then. 20 years later, it's still the stupidest story ever filmed... and for that, it should be remembered. Some stories/movies are so stupid they almost do a 180 and become brilliant. Sadly, that didn't happen here... and so I say... it's the BEST of the worst films ever made! Bravo!!!


Amen to that, brother. It's definitely up there on the list.

I dare you to make less sense!


I can't find this movie anywhere. It isn't even on NetFlix.


I was able to find a copy on ebay.

I dare you to make less sense!


I don't remember this movie being all that bad. Sure, the premise was absurd, but it's a comedy, so who cares? It had it's moments.

Then again, it's been at least 13 years since I last saw it. I was 15 then. I'm 28 now. You get the drift.


I think the problem is that there are too many subplots, like the Nacio chicken thing, and I don't think in real life a headmaster would insist that the class pass because of some slogan over destroying a franchise. This was basically a film made to cash in on Police Academy's success.


This movie NEEDS a DVD release. A buddy and I get together once or twice a year to split a case of brew while watching this movie. We've been doing it for years and we STILL laugh at all the same scenes over and over again. The copy I have was taped off of HBO when I was in high school (circa 1988-89) and it's starting to show some wear after all those years, so I hope some smart cookie ("Put those cookies BACK, mother-effer!") re-releases it sometime soon!


This is a very true statment. If you have ever worked at a Mcdonalds you will laugh like no other. They really do have a hamburger U. Never been there but it is real! If you don't believe look it


I remember watching this movie back when it was on USA UP ALL NIGHT! They showed some of the best movies back then until NBC bought out the USA Network and completely altered the programming changing from being good to watch to where now I do not want to even watch the Network anymore at all!

They need to bring this back on again on the weekends! Does anyone else agree with me on this or not?


I saw the movie in a theater when it was released. A lot of reviews at the time were calling it one of the worst movies ever made. I didn't think it was that bad. I'd love to see it on DVD to see if it has gotten better with time.


I haven't seen this movie since probably the early 90's. I watched it a few times back then. I remember thinking the overall movie wasn't that good, but it had a lot of memorable moments, which made up for it.


You obviously have never seen King's Ransom. This movie looks like Casablanca in comparison.


You must've been one of the only people who saw it there, since I remember it came out and was gone from theaters in a week. Do you remember seeing it with a packed house, or just a few people? This film is actually another version of Police Academy, which was so hot then.


A packed house? lol! No! I have to find this movie and see it again!


It's actually one of the worst-worst movies ever made. I seek out movies that have long been forgotten and ran into this... I could not make it all the way through. That's rare.

You want a best-worst movie? Try Surf II.

Here's the thing, you saw it at an early age, of course you thought it was cool. Some chick got head while sitting at a dinner table. What kid wouldn't find that awesome.

"Some stories/movies are so stupid they almost do a 180 and become brilliant. Sadly, that didn't happen here... and so I say... it's the BEST of the worst films ever made!"

Actually, you got the first part right. That's what makes a best-worst movie. A movie that is so out there, most people just don't get it. But the director did. He knew what he wanted and he went for it, he knew it would confuse everyone but he didn't care. He stuck to his guns and made a damn good movie that no one will ever see.

Hamburger? That's not a movie anyone should see.


I first saw it on HBO in the 80's and it is still among my top 10.

There ain't no Hebrew God, Ozzy's God!
